Approved October 6, 1980
H.R. 5164............Public Law 96-378
An act to amend certain inspection and manning laws applicable to small vessels carrying passengers or freight for hire, and for other purposes.
S. 1895..............Public Law 96-379
An act to change the name of the Los Esteros Dam (New Mexico) to the Santa Rosa Dam and Lake, and to designate Clark Hill Dam and Lake on the Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina, as "Clarks Hill Dam and Lake".
H.R. 6242............Public Law 96-380
An act to establish a Towing Safety Advisor, Committee in the Department of Transportation.
S. 1123............... Public Law 96-381
An act to amend section 204 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 to authorize appropriations for title II of such act for fiscal year 1980.
H.R. 3748 ............. Public Law 96-382
An act to provide for a uniform national three-year statute of limitations in actions to recover damages for personal injury or death, arising out of a maritime tort, and for other purposes.
H.R. 8018............. Public Law 96-383
An act to rename a reservoir and dam in the Little Miami River Basin, Ohio, as the "William H. Harsha Lake" and the "William H. Harsha Dam".
H.R. 8024............. Public Law 96-384
An act to change the name of Aubrey Lake, Texas, to Ray Roberts Lake.
Approved October 7, 1980
H.R. 7511 ..............Public Law 96-385
Veterans' Disability Compensation and Housing Benefits Amendments of 1980.
H.R. 6308 ............. Public Law 96-386
Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980.
S. 1442 ...............Public Law 96-387
An act to authorize the documentation of certain vessels as vessels of the United States, and for other purposes.
H.R. 8081............Public Law 96-388
An act to establish the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.
Approved October 7—Continued
S. 2271 ................Public Law 96-389
An act to amend the Bretton Woods Agreements Act to authorize consent to an increase in the United States quota in the International Monetary Fund, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4792.............Public Law 96-390
An act to name a certain Federal building in Houston, Texas, the Bob Casey Federal Building—U.S. Courthouse.
H.R. 5410.............Public Law 96-391
An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to require any Federal employee who elects at the time of retirement not to provide survivorship benefits for the employee's spouse to notify (or take all reasonable steps to notify) the spouse of that election.
H.R. 5732.............Public Law 96-392
An act to designate the Federal Building located at 33 West Twohig, San Angelo, Texas, as the "O. C. Fisher Federal Building".
H.R. 6531.............Public Law 96-393
An act to name a certain Federal building in Indianapolis, Indiana, the Minton-Capehart Federal Building.
H.R. 7414..............Public Law 96-394
An act to designate the building known as the Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Amarillo, Texas, as the "J. Marvin Jones Federal Building".
H.R. 7450............. Public Law 96-395
An act to designate the United States Post Office Federal Building in Waterbury, Connecticut, as the "John S. Monagan Federal Building".
H.R. 7782..............Public Law 96-396
An act to amend the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1953 to provide for the same adjustments in the basic compensation of officers and members of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division as are given to Federal employees under the General Schedule.
H.R. 8202..............Public Law 96-397
An act to continue in effect any authority provided under the Department of Justice Appropriation Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1980, for a certain period.
S. 1177................ Public Law 96-398
Mental Health Systems Act.
Approved October 8, 1980
S. 2719................Public Law 96-399
Housing and Community Development Act of 1980.
Approved October 9, 1980
H.R. 7831............Public Law 96-400
Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1981.
S. 2126...............Public Law 96-401
An act relating to certain leases involving the Secretary of the Interior and the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation.
S. 91 .................Public Law 96-402
Uniformed Services Survivor Benefits Amendments of 1980.
H.R. 7670 ............Public Law 96-403
An act to amend title II of the Social Security Act to make necessary adjustments in the allocation of social security tax receipts between the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund.
S. 341................ Public Law 96-404
An act to authorize the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation to file in the Court of Claims any claims against the United States for damages for delay in payment for lands claimed to be taken in violation of the United States Constitution, and for other purposes.
S. 1795...............Public Law 96-405
An act to authorize the Blackfeet and Gros Ventre Tribes to file in the Court of Claims any claims against the United States for damages for delay in payment for lands claimed to be taken in violation of the United States Constitution, and for other purposes.
S. 2398...............Public Law 96-406
An act to extend the provisions of the General Exchange Act, as amended, to certain lands in order that they may become parts of the Umatilla and Wallowa National Forests, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3956............. Public Law 96-407
An act granting the consent of the Congress to Hewson A. Ryan to accept the office and title of Honorary Consul of Honduras.
H.R. 7130............Public Law 96-408
An act to designate the building known as United States Court House and Federal Building in Syracuse, New York, as the "James M. Hanley Federal Building".
Approved October 9—Continued
H.R. 7309..............Public Law 96-409
An act to designate the Federal building in Portland, Oregon the "Edith Green Federal Building".
H.R. 7544 ............Public Law 96-410
An act to designate the United States Federal Building in New Haven, Connecticut, as the "Robert N. Giaimo Federal Building".
H.R. 7588............Public Law 96-411
An act to redesignate the United States Post Office and Courthouse Building in Concord, New Hampshire, as the "James C. Cleveland Federal Building".
H.R. 7770 ............Public Law 96-412
An act to name the Environmental Research Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, the "Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center".
H.R. 8161............Public Law 96-413
An act to designate the United States Federal Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the "William S. Moorhead Federal Building".
H.J. Res. 472...........Public Law 96-414
A joint resolution designating October 19, 1981, as a "Day of National Observance of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis to General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia."
S. 2801 ............... Public Law 96-415
An act to designate the Indian Health Facility in Ada, Oklahoma, the "Carl Albert Indian Health Facility".
H.J. Res. 560..........Public Law 96-416
A joint resolution to proclaim March 19, 1981, as "National Agriculture Day".
H.R. 6538............ Private Law 96-61
An act to authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to reinvest oil and gas lease New Mexico 33955.
Approved October 10, 1980
S. 1654 ................Public Law 96-417
Customs Courts Act of 1980.
H.R. 7301.............Public Law 96-418
Military Construction Authorization Act, 1981.
S.J. Res. 201..........Public Law 96-419
A joint resolution to provide for the designation of a week as "National Lupus Week".
H.R. 7919.............Public Law 96-420
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980.
Approved October 10—Continued
S.J. Res. 82............Public Law 96-421
A joint resolution to designate the week commencing with the third Monday in February of 1981 as "National Patriotism Week".
H.R. 7859.............Public Law 96-422
Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980.
S. 2730...............Public Law 96-423
Federal Railroad Safety Authorization Act of 1980.
S. 3180...............Public Law 96-424
An act to repeal a provision of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980.
S. 2475...............Public Law 96-425
Automobile Fuel Efficiency Act of 1980.
S. 3148...............Public Law 96-426
An act to name the Federal Building located at 444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka, Kansas, the "Frank Carlson Federal Building".
H.R. 7666.............Public Law 96-427
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1980.
H.R. 7218.............Public Law 96-428
An act to establish the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes.
S. 3044...............Public Law 96-429
An act to designate the United States Federal Building in Hartford, Connecticut, as the "Abraham A. Ribicoff Federal Building".
H.R. 7434.............Public Law 96-430
An act to provide for the establishment of the Boston African American National Historic Site in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6065.............Public Law 96-431
An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide that military leave be made available for Federal employees on a fiscal year rather than a calendar year basis, to allow certain unused leave to accumulate for subsequent use, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6331............Public Law 96-432
An act to amend the Act of July 31, 1946, as amended, relating to the United States Capitol Grounds, and for other purposes.
H.R. 7939............Public Law 96-433
An act to amend the Securities Investor Protection Act to increase the amount of protection available under such Act to customers of brokers and dealers, and to provide for the applicability of the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Approved October 10—Continued
S. 1796..............Public Law 96-434
An act to authorize the Assiniboine Tribe to file in the Court of Claims any claims against the United States for damages for delay in payment for lands claimed to be taken in violation of the United States Constitution, and for other purposes.
H.R. 7411..............Public Law 96-435
An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to accept the conveyance of the United First Parish Church in Quincy, Massachusetts, and authorizing the Secretary to administer the United First Parish Church as a national historic site, and for other purposes.
Jimmy Carter, Acts Approved by the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project