Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies:
March is Red Cross Month, a time when Americans can reaffirm and renew their support for this vital organization and the role it plays in our lives. Each year, the range and scope of the Red Cross grows with the growth of our country and the needs of our people. In the past year the Red Cross has helped to alleviate suffering from disasters such as Hurricane Agnes, trained hundreds of thousands to deal effectively in matters of community health and safety and, through its blood donor program, brought help to untold numbers of ill and injured. The Red Cross has also provided valuable services for our men and women in uniform and their families.
As President of the United States and Honorary Chairman of the American National Red Cross, I have officially designated March, 1973, as Red Cross Month. By so doing, I am indicating my strong support for the important work of the Red Cross--America's Good Neighbor. I hope that you--as citizens and leaders-also will want to endorse the work of the Red Cross by asking every member of the Armed Forces and every Federal employee to be a good neighbor--and to help the Good Neighbor. In this way we can ensure that the Red Cross will have the means to continue its important service to the Nation.
Note: On the same day, the President signed Proclamation 4191, designating March as Red Cross Month, 1973.
Richard Nixon, Memorandum Urging Support of the Red Cross. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project