Letter Accepting the Resignation of John C. Sawhill as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration.
Dear John:
Thank you for your October 25, 1974 letter of resignation as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration. In accepting your resignation, I want to express to you my deep personal thanks for your dedicated and capable service to the Nation, first as Deputy and then as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration. You have performed with distinction in a difficult job during a period when, for the first time, America has confronted a major energy shortage. In particular, along with millions of other Americans, I have admired your candor and directness in addressing the difficult choices which face the Nation as we confront the energy problem.
As I indicated during our conversation together, it is my strong desire that you continue to serve in government so that the American people and my Administration may continue to benefit from your very great talents and your broad experience.
Finally, I am grateful for your agreement to stay at the Federal Energy Administration until the first of the year to bring the Project Independence Blueprint to a conclusion and to insure a smooth transition in the leadership of that very important agency.
With warm personal regards.
[The Honorable John C. Sawhill, Administrator, Federal Energy Administration, Washington, D.C. 20461 ]
Note: Mr. Sawhill's letter of resignation, dated October 25, 1974, and released with the President's letter, read as follows:
Dear Mr. President:
I am today submitting my resignation as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration.
When I began my present assignment several months ago, I set three major goals for myself and the organization. The first was to establish the new Administration, the second was to prepare a Blueprint for Project Independence which could serve as the basis for developing a national energy policy, and the third was to set in motion an orderly process for decontrolling the oil industry. The FEA is now established and fully staffed; the Project Independence Blueprint is nearing completion; and-with the implementation of an entitlements program--the groundwork has been laid for beginning to remove controls from the oil industry. Thus, the tasks that I set out to accomplish are complete, and I feel that the time has come for me to move on to new responsibilities.
We must now begin a new phase in the government's energy program by moving quickly to implement a set of energy resource development and energy conservation actions which can bring this Nation's energy budget into better balance. However, because of the time delays involved in expanding energy supplies, I feel it is particularly important to focus on energy conservation. By doing so, we will improve our balance of payments position, reduce inflationary pressures and aid in cleaning up the environment. In addition to these actions, we must resolve a number of critical international issues affecting energy including recycling surplus oil funds, compensating for the impact of high oil prices on a number of industrialized and developing countries, and defining the role of our government vis-a-vis the international oil companies.
FEA has important responsibilities in each of these areas. I will be glad to remain with the organization during the transition period to assist in preparing for the tasks ahead and to support the activities of Secretary Morton and the Energy Resources Council. I have enjoyed working as a member of your team and would be delighted to serve you again should the opportunity present itself.
[ The President, The White House]
Gerald R. Ford, Letter Accepting the Resignation of John C. Sawhill as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/256510