Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on Designation of Developing Countries for Purposes of the Generalized System of Preferences
IN ACCORDANCE with Section 502(a) of the Trade Act, I wrote to you on January 13, 1975,1 concerning my intention to make certain designations of countries as beneficiary developing countries for purposes of implementing the generalized system of tariff preferences.
1 The text of the President's letter is printed in H. Doc. 94-85 (94th Cong., 1st sess.).
I wish to inform you that today I have issued an Executive order designating certain beneficiary countries. On the basis of an extensive review of all relevant investment disputes which has been completed since my January 13 letter, I have determined that several countries which otherwise might be ineligible for generalized preferences by virtue of the provisions of Section 502(b)(4) (A), (B) or (c), are eligible for beneficiary status by reason of the provisions of Section 502(b)(4)(D). Accordingly, such countries were included among the ones designated in Section 1 of the Executive order as beneficiary developing countries. As required by Section 502(b)(4), I am furnishing herewith a copy of my determinations pursuant to Section 502(b)(4)(D).2
2 The text of the Presidential determination is printed in the Code of Federal Regulations (3A CFR, 1975 Comp., p. 244).
Because we were able to make these determinations prior to publication of the Executive order designating certain beneficiary developing countries, it no longer is necessary to follow the procedure for use of the waivers based on national economic interest, described in the sixth paragraph of my letter of January 13. I have also decided that Gabon, The Peoples' Republic of Yemen, Somalia, and Uganda, which were on list A in the Tab to my letter of January 13, will not be designated at this time but will be added to those countries being considered for designation as beneficiary developing countries after certain determinations are made, statutory conditions are met or statutory requirements fulfilled pursuant to Section 502 of the Trade Act.
Note: This is the text of identical letters to the Honorable Carl Albert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Honorable Nelson A. Rockefeller, President of the Senate.
On the same day, the President signed Executive Order 11844 designating beneficiary developing countries for the generalized system of preferences.
Gerald R. Ford, Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on Designation of Developing Countries for Purposes of the Generalized System of Preferences Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/257007