The President today announced his intention to nominate the following individuals to be members of the Advisory Board for Radio Broadcasting to Cuba. These are all new positions.
Anne Elizabeth Brunsdale, for a term of 2 years. This is a new position. Since 1967 she .has been at the American Enterprise Institute and is presently serving as managing editor of Regulation, a bimonthly magazine dealing with regulatory matters. She was director of publications at the AEI in 1970-1977. She graduated from the University of Minnesota (B.A., 1945; M.A., 1946) and Yale University (M.A., 1949). She was born October 1, 1923, in Minneapolis, MN, and now resides in Washington, DC.
Joseph Francis Glennon, for a term of 3 years. In 1960-1980 he served as counselor for host country relations at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York. Previously he was attaché at the American Embassy in Ankara, Turkey. He graduated from Seton Hall University (B.S., 1947). He is married, has six children, and resides in Boynton Beach, FL. He was born December 12, 1919.
Jose Luis Rodriguez, for a term of 2 years. Since 1970 he has been president and owner of M & R Farms, Inc., in Boynton Beach, FL. He has also been serving as chief executive officer of Corky Foods Corp. in Boynton Beach, FL, since 1979. In addition, he serves as treasurer and director of CBI Corp. (Caribbean Basin Investment Corp.) in Miami, FL. He is married, has three children, and resides in Boynton Beach, FL. He was born November 11, 1946, in Havana, Cuba.
Danford L. Sawyer, Jr., for a term of 3 years. He is vice president and director of management services for R.R. Donnelly & Sons in Chicago, IL. Previously he was president of Sawyer & Associates Advertising, Inc., and president of Area Guides, Inc., in Sarasota, FL. He is a founding director of Presidential Savings & Loan Association in Sarasota. He is married, has three children, and resides in Lincolnshire, IL. He was born November 11, 1939, in New York, NY.
Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Four Members of the Advisory Board for Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project