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Nomination of Alfred L. Atherton, Jr., To Be Director General of the Foreign Service

September 20, 1983

The President today announced his intention to nominate Alfred L. Atherton, Jr., a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, to be Director General of the Foreign Service, Department of State. He would succeed Joan M. Clark.

Since 1979 Mr. Atherton has been serving as Ambassador to Egypt. Previously he was Ambassador at Large (Near Eastern Affairs) in 1978-1979. He served as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (1974-1978) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (1969-1974). He served in various positions at the Department of State, including country director for Israel and Arab-Israeli affairs in 1967-1969; country director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq in 1966-1967; and Director of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs in 1965-1966. He was economic officer in Calcutta in 1962-1965.

Mr. Atherton graduated from Harvard University (B.S., 1944; M.A., 1947). His foreign language is German. He was born November 22, 1921, in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Alfred L. Atherton, Jr., To Be Director General of the Foreign Service Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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