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Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon

November 10, 1983

We're revolted that once again the people of Lebanon have been subjected to terror and injury, this time around Tripoli, by the radical and brutal behavior of Palestinian factions and their supporters. It is tragic that once again the civilian population of Lebanon is victim to hostilities not of their making and over which they are unable to exercise influence and control.

We urge the governments in the area to bring their influence to bear constructively to end the fighting. We suggest that all governments be open to any suggestions from appropriate international organizations for humanitarian and relief efforts to relieve the suffering. As a first specific step to assist, the United States is in the process of contributing $1 million to the International Red Cross to be used for relief activities in Lebanon.

Note: Deputy Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes read the statement to reporters during his afternoon briefing in the Akebono Room at the Okura Hotel in Tokyo.

Ronald Reagan, Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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