George Bush photo

Letter Accepting the Resignation of William J. Bennett as Director of National Drug Control Policy

November 08, 1990

Dear Bill:

It is with great regret that I accept your letter of resignation as Director of National Drug Control Policy. Your strong support and steady guidance will be sorely missed.

As the first Director of National Drug Control Policy, you took on the dual task of coordinating the Federal Government's effort to fight the war on drugs while providing courageous national leadership in the battle against drug use, addiction, and drug-related crime. Your drive, determination, clarity of purpose, and deep sense of mission have helped unite the whole Nation behind this critical task.

Under your careful stewardship, our Administration published the first National Drug Control Strategy, a comprehensive blueprint for fighting drugs and drug use on every front, at every level of government, and in every city, town, and neighborhood. In the time since we presented the National Strategy to the American people, we have seen many very real and encouraging signs of progress against drugs. You have helped lay the essential groundwork for victory, and I share your fervent belief that in the months and years ahead, we will see the menace of drugs finally beaten.

Bill, both Barbara and I maintain the greatest respect and admiration for your accomplishments in public office. On behalf of all Americans, let me express our indebtedness to you for your service to the peace and health of this Nation.


George Bush

Dear Mr. President:

It is with deep respect and heartfelt gratitude that I advise you of my wish to resign as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy at the end of November.

When I assumed this position in March of 1989, you asked that I devote my efforts to develop a strategy to fight the terrible menace of illegal drugs. Under your leadership, and with the strong support of your Cabinet, I believe we have done that.

During the last nineteen months, we have made progress in attacking all aspects of illegal drug use in this country. While much remains to be done, I think it can be said we have witnessed a major turning point in the war on drugs. All indicators suggest that drug use -- across the board -- has started to turn down. I believe that the American people have united to assure that the promise you made in your Inaugural Address will be fulfilled.

The National Drug Control Strategy that has been implemented during your Administration enjoys broad, bipartisan support. With continued effort, energy, and further refinement, this Strategy will bring this scourge under control, and provide lasting benefit to the American people. Your courageous commitment to tackle this problem is a tribute to you and your Presidency.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.



William J. Bennett

George Bush, Letter Accepting the Resignation of William J. Bennett as Director of National Drug Control Policy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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