President Bush. Welcome. Is everybody having a nice day here?
Q. Yes. The lobsters are good.
President Bush. They are good.
Visit of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia
Q. Sir, are you going to take him fishing?
President Bush. We might just do that, yes. Not sure yet, Mark.
Q. Today?
President Bush. Maybe today. It's pretty casual up here, as you know—unstructured.
Q. ——the menu?
The First Lady. Lobster; what else? [Laughter]
[At this point, the exchange continued, and no transcript was provided. It resumed as follows.]
Visit to Kennebunkport, Maine
Q. How was the fishing today, sir?
President Bush. Lousy. [Laughter] Was that you, Chuck, the other day? No wonder we didn't catch any fish. They took a look at you and—[laughter]—headed out.
Terrorist Attacks in the United Kingdom
Q. Sir, while you're waiting, can you tell us what you think of those terrorist incidents in Britain and Scotland?
President Bush. We got a press conference tomorrow, Mark. But it just goes to show the war against these extremists goes on. You never know where they may try to strike. And appreciate the very strong response that the Gordon Brown Government has given to the attempts by these people.
[The exchange continued, and no transcript was provided. It resumed as follows.]
President Bush. Everybody been behaving themselves?
President's Vacation/Major League Baseball
Q. You sure you won't come back here a little more often? [Laughter]
President Bush. That's what I figured. [Laughter]
Q. I wasn't going to give you the satisfaction—[laughter].
President Bush. That's what I thought, yes. Well, the guy is counting the days in Crawford, you know. [Laughter]
Q. I'm counting your days here too—35.
Q. Are you watching any baseball?
President Bush. I watched the Ranger-Red Sox game today.
Q. Is it over? Did they win today too?
Q. I think they won today too.
Q. But the Yankees lost.
President Bush. They did?
[The exchange continued, and no transcript was provided. It resumed as follows.]
[President Putin arrived.]
President George H.W. Bush. Where did these guys all come from? When I left there was nobody here.
President Bush. Come over, Condi. Come on, Bill.
Okay? It's been real. [Laughter] Thanks for coming.
NOTE: The President spoke at 5:35 p.m. at Walker's Point. In his remarks, he referred to Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these remarks.
George W. Bush, Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project