McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New Radio Ad: "Spread The Wealth"
ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, McCain-Palin 2008 released its latest radio ad, entitled "Spread the Wealth." The ad features Florida Governor Charlie Crist discussing why he supports John McCain's economic plan that will create millions of new jobs in America. The ad will be aired in Florida.
LISTEN TO THE AD HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AO0-Xz3F2M
Script For "Spread the Wealth" (Radio :60)
GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST: Hi, this is Governor Charlie Crist.
Let me tell you why I support my friend John McCain.
He will lower your taxes.
He will stop wasteful government spending.
And John McCain knows that people don't want to "spread the wealth."
He knows that Congress should let you keep more of your money, and not take it away.
Thank you very much.
ANNCR: Your savings, your job and your financial security are under siege.
Congressional liberals will make it worse.
Congressional liberals plan nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending.
To pay for it, Congressional liberals promise higher taxes on American families making over $42,000 a year.
Barack Obama and Congressional liberals call it spreading the wealth around, we call it higher taxes, bigger government.
Either way, it will cost you.
Stop 'em before they make it worse.
Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
AD FACTS: Script For "Spread The Wealth" (Radio :60)
GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST: Hi, this is Governor Charlie Crist. Let me tell you why I support my friend John McCain. He will lower your taxes. He will stop wasteful government spending. And John McCain knows that people don't want to "spread the wealth." He knows that Congress should let you keep more of your money, and not take it away. Thank you very much.
- Barack Obama: "I Think When You Spread The Wealth Around, It's Good For Everybody." JOE WURZELBACHER: "I'm a plumber. You know, I work, you know, 10, 12 hours a day. If I buy another truck and add something else to it, and you know, build the company..." OBAMA: "Right." WURZELBACHER: "... you know, I'm getting taxed more and more." OBAMA: "Nobody likes high taxes." WURZELBACHER: "No, not at all." OBAMA: "Right? Of course not. So -- but what's happened is, is that we end up -- we've cut taxes a lot for folks like me who make a lot more than $250,000. We haven't given a break to folks who make less. It's not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too. And everybody is so pinched that business is bad for everybody. And I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." (Barack Obama, Remarks, Toledo, OH, 10/12/08)
ANNCR: Your savings, your job and your financial security are under siege. Congressional liberals will make it worse. Congressional liberals plan nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending.
- If Barack Obama Could Enact All Of His Campaign Proposals, Taxpayers Would Be Faced With Financing Over $1 Trillion In New Spending Over One White House Term. (Barack Obama's Spending Proposals: http://www.barackobama.com/index.php, Accessed 10/19/08)
- Investor's Business Daily Said Under An Obama Administration There Would Be "Nearly $1 Trillion" In New Spending. "Absent enormous cuts in government spending -- and Barack Obama alone promises new spending of nearly $1 trillion -- there will be no hope of anything resembling a balanced budget." (Editorial, "A Bad Scenario," Investor's Business Daily, 2/28/08)
- PolitiFact Discredits Obama's Claim That His Proposals Are Paid For; Says His Rhetoric Is "Disingenuous." "Until he fleshes out his economic plan considerably more, it's disingenuous to go around claiming his proposals are 'paid for.' And that claim is even more suspect considering that his proposals would leave a larger deficit than would the tax laws currently on the books. We find his claim to be Barely True." ("'Paid For' Without Real Money," St. Petersburg Times' "PolitiFact.com," www.politifact.com, 6/16/08)
ANNCR: To pay for it, Congressional liberals promise higher taxes on American families making over $42,000 a year. Barack Obama and Congressional liberals call it spreading the wealth around, we call it higher taxes, bigger government. Either way, it will cost you. Stop 'em before they make it worse. ANNCR: Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee. JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
- House And Senate Democrats Overwhelmingly Supported Their FY 2009 Budget Resolution, Which Passed On Party Line Votes. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote # 382: Adopted 214-210: R 0-196; D 214-14, 6/5/08)
- Obama Voted In Favor Of The Democrats' FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea)
- The Democrats' Budget Would Raise Taxes On Individuals Earning Approximately $42,000 Or More. "The resolution Obama voted for would not have increased taxes on any single taxpayer making less than $41,500 per year in total income, or any couple making less than $83,000. The $32,000 figure is approximately the taxable income of a single person making $41,500 per year, after all deductions and exclusions." (FactCheck.org, "The $32,000 Question," www.factcheck.org, 7/11/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New Radio Ad: "Spread The Wealth" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291967