Des Moines, IA -- State Representative Mark Smith of Marshalltown today announced his support for Barack Obama's campaign for President citing his experience working across the aisle to bring about real change.
"If we're ever going to make progress on the tough challenges facing our nation, we will need to elect a bold leader who can face the special interests that have blocked our much needed reforms in Washington," Rep. Smith said. "He'll be a President that will stand up for working families and eliminate taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 annually. Senator Obama is the candidate with the right experience and the right judgment to work across the aisle to get things done."
Representative Smith has served in the Iowa House of Representative since 2001. Smith chairs the House Human Resources Committee and serves on the Environmental Protection and Judiciary Committees along with the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
"Representative Smith will play an instrumental role in building our grassroots support in Marshalltown and throughout Iowa," Senator Obama said. "We're proud to have his support in our effort to challenge the conventional thinking in Washington, D.C. and transform our nation."
To date, including Rep. Smith, Senator Obama has received 15 endorsements from Iowa state legislators including Rep. Elesha Gayman, Rep. Tyler Olson, Sen. Bob Dvorsky, Sen. Bill Heckroth, Sen. Tom Rielly, Sen. Warnstadt, Sen. Rich Olive, Rep. Helen Miller, Sen. Steve Warnstadt, Rep. Janet Petersen, Rep. Pam Jochum, Rep. David Jacoby, Rep. Donovan Olson, and Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad. Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and State Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald have also endorsed Senator Obama's campaign for change.
Barack Obama, Obama Campaign Press Release - State Representative Mark Smith Endorses Obama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project