Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Iowans Join Hillary For A Day Honoring Families
Families around Iowa will join Hillary Clinton today as she discusses her plan to help parents balance their responsibilities at work and home. In addition to caring for their children, many Iowans are struggling to care for elderly parents and loved ones as out-of-pocket costs for families with long-term caregiving responsibilities has increased to over $5,000 per year. Hillary's plan will help Iowans and all Americans facing this big challenge by offering real solutions, including increased support to improve nursing home quality and a new $3,000 caregiving tax credit, and a new long-term care insurance tax credit. The family theme will extend through Hillary's events today. At most of her events, Hillary will be introduced by Sharon Dixon of Mason City, Iowa. She will speak on behalf of her family - four generations who are all planning to caucus for Hillary on January 3rd.
"On Thursday, Iowans get to pick a President and many of us will be asking ourselves, 'Who's the best person for the job?' 'Who can build a better future for our kids?' The clear answer to both of those questions is Hillary Clinton," said Dixon. "My family supports Hillary because of what she's already done for women, children, and families around the country. From protecting kids from abuse to helping get health care for six million children, Hillary has proven that she is an agent of positive change and she will be able to address the big challenges facing the nation starting on day one as our next President."
In addition to Sharon Dixon's family, Hillary will be joined by the Schmidt Family Band from Vinton, IA. Vic and Michelle Schmidt perform with their three young sons: Stephen, 10, who plays the drums; Samuel, 8, who plays the bass; and Gabriel, 5, who plays the kazoo.
"I am honored to have the support of Iowans like Sharon Dixon and her extended family as well as the Schmidts," said Hillary Clinton. "Their dedication to hard work and commitment to family is what makes our country a great nation. As President, I will fight for families like the Schmidts and Dixons by rebuilding the middle class, curbing the influence of the special interests, and restoring this country to greatness. Change isn't something you just demand, or hope for, it is something you work for. That's what I've been doing all my life and that's exactly what I'll do as President. It will be a new beginning for all of us."
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Iowans Join Hillary For A Day Honoring Families Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293140