Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Governor Mitt Romney At The South Carolina GOP Debate - Vol. 2
CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford: "I think that Romney looked very presidential." (Fox News' "Fox & Friends," 5/16/07)
Club For Growth President Pat Toomey: Romney was "reasonable, articulate, and conservative." ("The Second Date: An NRO Symposium," National Review Online, http://article.nationalreview.com, Posted 5/16/07)
National Review's T. J. Walker: "Mitt Romney is too slick. Of course by 'too slick' what I really mean is that I can't think of a single way to fault Romney's style, intelligence, grammar, emotion, or ability to connect with an audience. ('Too slick' is the last refuge of a scoundrel political/media critic who can't think of any other way to attack someone who has communication gifts beyond mere mortals)" ("The Second Date: An NRO Symposium," National Review Online, http://article.nationalreview.com, Posted 5/16/07)
New York Daily News' Michael Goodwin: "Romney had another solid performance, and it's easy to see him gaining modest traction with each appearance." (Michael Goodwin, "Rudy Scores With Assist From Debate Rival," [New York] Daily News, 5/16/07)
- Goodwin: "[Romney's] quick and smart and has made a good impression in both debates." (Michael Goodwin, "Rudy Scores With Assist From Debate Rival," [New York] Daily News, 5/16/07)
Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH): "...Mitt really understands the management side of the federal government and one of the things I think that is really strong in his favor is that he has had management experience." (WMJI-Cleveland Radio's "Lanigan & Malone," 5/16/07)
- Voinovich: "The man that is going to be President of the United States, it is the biggest business in this country. ... And one thing this man understands is management." (WMJI-Cleveland Radio's "Lanigan & Malone," 5/16/07)
The Politico's Mike Allen: "Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney continued to look smooth and leaderly." (Mike Allen, " Politico Playbook: Fight Night," The Politico, 5/16/07)
National Review Washington Editor Kate O'Beirne: "As a talented overachiever, Romney's fate is to be judged on a tough curve." ("The Second Date: An NRO Symposium," National Review Online, http://article.nationalreview.com, Posted 5/16/07)
- O'Beirne: "[Romney] can be expected to be thoroughly prepared and he's a natural salesman. So again he was confident and sure-footed." ("The Second Date: An NRO Symposium," National Review Online, http://article.nationalreview.com, Posted 5/16/07)
CBN's David Brody: "Romney was once again smooth. He was able to ... make positive points on his business leadership skills. A high marks performance." (David Brody, "South Carolina Debate: The Brody File Reaction," The Brody File, www.cbn.com/CBNnews/158584.aspx, posted 5/16/07)
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins: "I think Governor Romney comes across well as understanding the issues." (CNN's "American Morning," 5/16/07)
Sound Politics' Eric Earling: "Mitt Romney - a very solid performance..." (Eric Earling, "Another Debate Round-Up," Sound Politics Blog, http://soundpolitics.com/archives/008623.html, Posted 5/15/07)
Syndicated Columnist Mona Charen: "Romney was smart and smooth as usual..." ("The Second Date: An NRO Symposium," National Review Online, http://article.nationalreview.com, Posted 5/16/07)
Dean Barnett: "I have a feeling that Mitt Romney will emerge from every one of these shindigs as the most articulate, well informed and appealing candidate. In terms of debating skills, it's a man amongst boys out there." (Dean Barnett, "Quickie Debate Recap," TownHall, www.townhall.com, Posted 5/15/07)
"Sister Toldjah" Blog: "Who do I think won? ... I have to give the edge to Romney. He came off as the most prepared, and sounded very presidential and looked it, too." ("GOP Presidential Candidates: The 2nd Debate," Sister Toldjah Blog, http://sistertoldjah.com, Posted 5/15/07)
- "Sister Toldjah": "I have to say as someone who has struggled wondering who to support, Romney is starting to sound very good to me." ("GOP Presidential Candidates: The 2nd Debate," Sister Toldjah Blog, http://sistertoldjah.com, Posted 5/15/07)
The Politico's Roger Simon: "Romney once again gave a smooth, controlled performance..." (Roger Simon, "Gloves Come Off At Second GOP Debate," The Politico, 5/16/07)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Governor Mitt Romney At The South Carolina GOP Debate - Vol. 2 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296720