The campaign rolled out Rapid Responders - elected officials and community leaders in all 22 of the February 5th states - who will respond to attacks and distortions of Hillary and President Bill Clinton's statements and records. For a list of Rapid Responders by state, [Click here].
ARIZONA: Hillary discussed President George Bush's State of the Union and her economic stimulus plan in a conference call with Arizona reporters. Read more.
ARKANSAS: The campaign announced that Hillary will hold a "Solutions for the American Economy" town hall in North Little Rock on Wednesday. Read more.
CALIFORNIA: A new Los Angeles Times/CNN/Politico poll has Hillary up by 17 points over Sen. Obama (49-32). Read more... In Alamo, the campaign opened a field office and held a "Bring Your Own Phone" party during which Hillary supporters called voters in Contra Costa... In Fresno, student leaders from Fresno State, Fresno City and other local colleges endorsed Hillary's Student Borrowers' Bill of Rights. On Friday, Hillary called for a Bill of Rights that would protect students and families from predatory lenders by guaranteeing students the right to timely, accurate, and transparent information; the right to affordable loan payments; and the right not to be exploited by loan programs. Read more.
COLORADO: Denver Board of Education Member Jill Conrad endorsed Hillary and joined University of Colorado students in applauding Hillary's Student Borrowers' Bill of Rights. The students also launched a new Facebook page, "Students Against Debt," to promote Clinton's plan... In Denver, the campaign's Hispanic Leadership Council continued its week-long tour, "Juntos con Hillary, Una Vida Mejor" with a volunteer recruitment and training event led by State Sen. Paula Sandoval...The campaign announced that President Clinton will hold a "Solutions for America" event in Denver on Wednesday.
CONNECTICUT: In Hartford, Hillary held a "Solutions for the American Economy" town hall. Read more.
GEORGIA: College students across the state endorsed Hillary in a conference call. Listen... The campaign conducted visibility at multiple locations in Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, Marietta, and Savannah... The campaign announced that Hillary will speak at the Georgia Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Atlanta on Wednesday.
ILLINOIS: The campaign announced that President Clinton will hold a "Solutions for America" event in Edwardsville on Wednesday.
MASSACHUSETTS: In Springfield, Hillary held a "Solutions for the American Economy" town hall. "Although [Hillary's] visit to Springfield was announced less than 24 hours in advance, more than 3,000 people squeezed into Blake Arena, filling the gymnasium beyond capacity." Read more.
MISSOURI: Hillary discussed President George Bush's State of the Union and her economic stimulus plan in a conference call with Missouri reporters. Read more... Chelsea spoke to students at the University of Missouri in Columbia and the University of Missouri-St. Louis. [Read More Here] and here.
NEW JERSEY: The Jersey Journal endorsed Hillary. "Clinton has the qualifications to navigate through the Washington power riptide that has drowned many a president's agenda. Her work ethic and knowledge of the issues make her an ideal candidate for president." Read more.
NEW MEXICO: Secretary of State Mary Herrera endorsed Hillary... At the University of New Mexico, Students for Hillary spoke to fellow youth about Hillary's Student Borrowers' Bill of Rights... In Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces, Hillary supporters continued to volunteer at phone banks and reach out to voters... The campaign announced that President Bill Clinton will visit Albuquerque on Thursday.
NEW YORK: The Albany Times Union endorsed Hillary. "At this juncture in history, the country needs... a proven leader who can begin to clean up George Bush's mess." Read more... In Syracuse, campaign officials and dozens of grassroots supporters kicked-off Hillary's major campaign activities in the Syracuse region. Read more... Volunteers made over 15,000 calls to New York voters across the state.
OHIO: The campaign announced that President Bill Clinton will hold a "Solutions for America" event today in Cleveland. Governor Ted Strickland, U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Warrensville Heights Mayor Marcia Fudge will join President Clinton at the event.
OKLAHOMA: The campaign announced the formation of the Oklahoma Women for Hillary Council... In Oklahoma City, the campaign also hosted an open house, pot luck dinner and phone bank... The campaign also announced that President Clinton will hold a "Solutions for America" event at the University of Oklahoma in Norman on Wednesday.
TENNESSEE: In Memphis, Mayor Willie Herenton endorsed Hillary during a campaign event to promote early voting. State Sen. Beverly Marrero, State Rep. Jeanne Richardson, Councilwoman Carol Chumney, Shelby County Assessor of Property Rita Clark, Shelby County Democratic Committee Member David Upton, Democratic activist David Cocke, and Democratic Committee Member Gale Jones Carson attended the event. [Read More Here] and here.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Yesterday in the States Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project