Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Gov. Romney At The Boca Raton, FL, GOP Debate - Vol. III
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MSNBC's Pat Buchanan: "I got to say that I think clearly Mitt Romney dominated tonight. His performance was flawless. He looked presidential." (MSNBC's "Live," 1/24/08)
- Buchanan: "I think Romney clearly won tonight." (MSNBC's "Live," 1/24/08)
- Buchanan: "He looked terrific. He got off the best two lines of the night." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 1/25/08)
- Buchanan: "I think he was crisp and strong." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 1/25/08)
- Buchanan: "If Romney is in the lead tonight and people are looking at this, he looks to me like a man, quite frankly that can beat Hillary Rodham Clinton and can be president of the United States." (MSNBC's "Live," 1/24/08)
ABC News' Jake Tapper: "Romney, who is in a dead heat with McCain for first place in some recent polls here in Florida, had perhaps the best night, presenting a polished and confident demeanor." (Jake Tapper, "GOP Debate: Not Quite A Smoka In Boca," ABC News' Website, http://abcnews.go.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
The Washington Post's Michael D. Shear And Juliet Eilperin: "The debate offered Romney a chance to shine as he received several opportunities to discuss economic issues and his experience in the private sector." (Michael D. Shear and Juliet Eilperin, "Republicans Play To Right In Fla. Debate," The Washington Post, 1/25/08)
The Weekly Standard's Dean Barnett: "With that preamble out of the way, I must unequivocally state that last night was an enormously successful evening for Romney. He's a serious guy, and a capable one. That came through last night." (Dean Barnett, "Boca Break Down," The Weekly Standard, http://www.weeklystandard.com/, 1/25/08)
Time's Mark Halperin: "... Romney came out strong, unapologetic and on message." (Mark Halperin, "GOP Debate Report Card," Time, http://www.time.com/, Posted 1/25/08)
- Halperin: "[Romney] settled comfortably into the 'looks and sounds like a president' zone that is one of his chief assets." (Mark Halperin, "GOP Debate Report Card," Time, http://www.time.com/, Posted 1/25/08)
- Halperin: "[Romney] Seemed to anticipate an eventual one-on-one contest with McCain, and displayed the confidence of a man who feels certain he has a spot in the finals. Bottom line: Benefited more than anyone else from the oddly low-key nature of a high-stakes." (Mark Halperin, "GOP Debate Report Card," Time, http://www.time.com/, Posted 1/25/08)
National Review's David Freddoso: "By the time he was done, Romney even demonstrated that he understands why a one-time rebate is not a real economic stimulant." (David Freddoso, "The Debate Begins," National Review's The Corner, http://corner.nationalreview.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
Townhall's Jennifer Rubin: "Romney had perhaps his best debate performance... He was at his best when speaking on economics and he successfully ducked a question from Giuliani on his position on a national catastrophic insurance fund." (Jennifer Rubin, "Republican Debates Offer Little Foresight," Townhall, 1/25/08)
- Rubin: "He forcefully rebuffed the moderator's inquiries about how much of his personal fortune he has spent on the campaign. He too should be pleased that voters saw a confident, economically literate candidate." (Jennifer Rubin, "Republican Debates Offer Little Foresight," Townhall, 1/25/08)
Orlando Sentinel's Scott Maxwell: "Overall, Mitt Romney had a good night. He sounded informed, human and comfortable. And he handled several tough questions with ease." (Scott Maxwell, Op-Ed, "Debate Was A Good Night For Everyone But Pimps, Gamblers, Non-Republicans," Orlando Sentinel, 1/25/08)
RedState's Alexham: "There weren't many fireworks between our candidates last night, but one did stand out in a big way: Mitt Romney. He was good. Very good." (Alexham, "Romney Rising: And This Time, It's For Real," RedState, http://www.redstate.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
- Alexham: "I think we are finally seeing the real Mitt Romney: The smart, wonkish, well-mannered, technocrat, problem-solving businessman. That's who Mitt Romney is, and he has finally revealed his true persona to the rest of us. And I, for one, appreciate it." (Alexham, "Romney Rising: And This Time, It's For Real," RedState, http://www.redstate.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
- Alexham: "Romney is at his best when he is engaged in wonkish problem solving ..." (Alexham, "Romney Rising: And This Time, It's For Real," RedState, http://www.redstate.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
- Alexham: "Be who you are Mitt, and you may just become the next president of the United States." (Alexham, "Romney Rising: And This Time, It's For Real," RedState, http://www.redstate.com/, Posted 1/24/08)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Really Saying About Gov. Romney At The Boca Raton, FL, GOP Debate - Vol. III Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296804