Gingrich Campaign Press Release - It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls
In a column at Forbes.com, Louis Woodhill writes that Newt's economic plan is the most "pro-growth" plan. He goes on to say "Newt Gingrich is the only presidential candidate offering an economic plan that contains all three of the elements required for rapid GDP and jobs growth: monetary reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform."
Given that economic growth is what matters most, the Republican primary electorate will chose the most "pro-growth" candidate that appears credible to them. Right now, that candidate is Newt Gingrich.
From an economic growth point of view, Gingrich's program is superior to those being put forward by his principal remaining opponents, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. And, Gingrich's plan is literally infinitely better than what Obama is proposing.
It is clear that Gingrich's economic program would produce the highest rate of GDP and jobs growth of any of the announced plans. So, if Jude Wanniski were still among us, he would not be surprised that likely Republican primary voters are telling pollsters that they prefer Gingrich.
In the Age of the Internet, you are your web site. On the Gingrich campaign's web site, one of the nine points in the 466-word "Gingrich Jobs and Prosperity Plan" is, "Strengthen the dollar by returning to the Reagan-era monetary policies that stopped runaway inflation and reforming the Federal Reserve to promote transparency."
Rick Perry's "Cut, Balance, and Grow" economic plan runs 10,600 words and does not mention monetary policy or "the dollar" at all.
Romney's "Believe in America" plan contains almost 40,000 words, but does not address the problem of our unstable dollar. The closest he comes to a monetary policy proposal is to call for sanctions on the Chinese for "currency manipulation".
Obama has continued Bush 43's disastrous "weak dollar" policy, which is based upon two Keynesian fantasies: that a falling dollar boosts exports (it doesn't), and that inflation eases debt burdens (it has actually made them worse, because Obamunism has managed to create inflation without producing higher nominal incomes).
If the 2012 presidential race were a game of "Jeopardy", all of the points in the "Monetary Policy" category would go to Gingrich.
Despite the overriding importance of a stable dollar to economic growth, most of the focus has been on the tax programs being offered by the candidates. In this category, Gingrich's plan is once again the best, because it would produce the fastest rate of GDP growth.
At this time, Newt Gingrich is the only presidential candidate offering an economic plan that contains all three of the elements required for rapid GDP and jobs growth: monetary reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform. This is why, as things stand now, he will win the Republican presidential nomination and defeat President Obama in the 2012 general election.
Newt Gingrich, Gingrich Campaign Press Release - It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/297986