Perry Campaign Press Release - U.S. Rep. Mulvaney Endorses Texas Gov. Rick Perry for President
AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Rick Perry today received the endorsement of U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) in his campaign for president of the United States.
"Our country's economy has continued to suffer under President Obama, and quite literally, we cannot afford to allow this administration, or its tax and spend policies, to continue for four more years," said Congressman Mulvaney. "As a leader of the recent cut, cap and balance plan in Congress, I know firsthand how important it is that we have a fiscally conservative leader in the White House who has a record of reducing spending and balancing budgets. Gov. Perry has that record and a proven plan to get our country's economy back on track, and I am supporting him as the next President of the United States."
"In just a few short months, Mick Mulvaney has established himself as a fiscal leader who members of Congress can lean on. As co-author of the cut, cap and balance plan, Mick knows the value of the common sense policies necessary to address the fiscal ills of our nation," said Gov. Rick Perry. "We need a change in this country; not the rhetoric of change, but a record of change. To that end, I've asked Mick to serve as one of the leaders of my economic policy group so together we can once and for all cut, cap and balance the federal budget."
"I am thankful Mick has endorsed my candidacy for president and will take a leading role in my campaign in South Carolina. I am proud to partner with him as I travel the nation to share my vision to get America working again," Perry said.
Rick Perry, Perry Campaign Press Release - U.S. Rep. Mulvaney Endorses Texas Gov. Rick Perry for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/298095