Perry Campaign Press Release - Gov. Rick Perry Advocates Part-Time Congress and Balanced Budgets; Cites Tim Tebow's Faith, Persistence and Strong Finishes
Perry a standout at FOX News Presidential Debate
SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Texas Gov. Rick Perry spoke strongly and confidently about ending Washington's culture of congressional earmarks, deficit spending and federal excess, and articulated his unmatched pro-jobs record, staunch conservatism and plans to help create American jobs in tonight's Iowa presidential debate, hosted by FOX News and the Republican Party of Iowa.
Governor Perry strongly connected with American families and football fans by relating to Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, his unabashed Christian faith, persistence and fourth-quarter comeback victories.
"Am I ready for the next level? Let me tell you, I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses," Gov. Perry said. "I like these debates and I hope President Obama and I debate a lot. I'll talk about passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Congress. I'll talk about having the type of part-time Congress that I think Americans are ready for."
Gov. Perry has traveled the country sharing his message of faith, jobs and freedom with conservative plans to stimulate the economy, boost job creation and repair the damage of the Obama administration's failed economic policies. The governor's Uproot and Overhaul Washington plan calls for a part-time citizen Congress, eliminating ineffective federal agencies and making Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in the lives of the American people as possible.
"The issue we ought to be talking about on this stage is how you really overhaul Washington, D.C.," Gov. Perry continued. "And the idea that you can't tell the difference between lobbying and consulting, the idea that we have Congress staying there as many days as they do and the salary that they have. That's why I've called for a part-time Congress. Cut their pay in half, cut their time in Washington in half, cut their staff in half, send them home. Let them get a job like everybody else back home has, and live under the laws they pass. We do that, and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution, and the conversations that we've been having up here will be minor."
Gov. Perry's Cut, Balance and Grow plan establishes 20 percent flat personal and corporate tax rates, and simplifies the tax system by closing corporate loopholes and ending tax breaks for special interest groups. When compared to current laws, Gov. Perry's plan will mean tax relief for Americans of every income group. Cut, Balance and Grow also includes a federal Balanced Budget Amendment and plans for a full audit of every regulation passed since 2008.
During the debate, Gov. Perry shared his record and vision to get America working again by bringing the pro-jobs, pro-business and pro-innovation model he helped to create in the state of Texas to the nation. Over one million net new jobs have been created during Gov. Perry's tenure in Texas. He has the strongest job creation record of any candidate in the presidential race, and will bring his experience in creating jobs through eliminating job-killing regulations, ensuring a fair and predictable tax system, creating a just legal climate and ending unnecessary government spending to the country as president.
Rick Perry, Perry Campaign Press Release - Gov. Rick Perry Advocates Part-Time Congress and Balanced Budgets; Cites Tim Tebow's Faith, Persistence and Strong Finishes Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/298165