Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Issues Statement on Obama Afghanistan Speech
"This move is too little, too late"
LAKE JACKSON, Texas— The campaign of 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul issued a statement remarking on President Obama's speech announcing the scheduling of a drawdown of the surge troops sent in to Afghanistan after he took office. See comments below.
"This move is too little, too late," said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. "When candidate Obama was running for the presidency, he campaigned largely on bringing our troops home, yet we are not only still in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we've expanded into Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan. Despite this purely political move, there will still be thousands of American soldiers in harm's way by the end of this drawdown."
"Osama Bin Laden was very clear about his desire to suck America into a no-win war in the Middle East so they could pick us off over there," continued Benton.
"We shouldn't allow Bin Laden to win from beyond the grave; we have fallen precisely into the trap he set for us — stretching our forces thin trying to nation-build and sending our men and women to fight without clear objectives. Afghanistan was the downfall of the Soviet Union. We must act now so it is not the same for America. It's time to bring our troops home to defend this country."
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Issues Statement on Obama Afghanistan Speech Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project