Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul New Hampshire Team Welcomes Additional 'Small Businesses for Ron Paul'
Latest featured businesses located in Belknap, Carroll, Grafton, Hillsborough, Rockingham, and Sullivan counties
CONCORD, NH - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today new members of its active "Small Businesses for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition. The new members conduct business in Belknap, Carroll, Grafton, Hillsborough, Rockingham, and Sullivan counties, all New Hampshire.
Statements listed below were given by the new coalition members who agree with Dr. Paul's prescription for achieving sustainable economic growth and lasting prosperity. This includes eliminating all unfunded mandates and removing unnecessary regulations on small businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as features of Ron Paul's ambitious 'Plan to Restore America.'
Belknap County
Noah Weiner has been doing business for 10 years in Meredith on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, where he employs five people. Weiner states, "Dr. Paul is the only candidate that recognizes the seriousness of our situation and what needs to be done to put the power back in the hands of the people instead of conducting 'business as usual.' I have not found one fault with his proposed policies, cuts, and the like, and I support every decision he has made throughout his career."
Carroll County
Tim O'Keefe has operated a spray foam insulation company for about five years in Wolfeboro Falls, where he employs four people. O'Keefe said, "I believe Ron Paul is the only candidate with a real plan for America. He understands just how devastating excessive government regulations and heavy taxation are to a small business owner. I would trust no other candidate than Ron Paul to make this country, and my small business, prosper again."
Deanna Vallely has been serving diners in Ossipee for six years, where she employs four people. She voiced her support for Dr. Paul because she "appreciates that he is a strict Constitutionalist, and he says what he thinks honestly and without reservations. I am excited that he has risen to the top tier."
Grafton County
Harry Stearns of Waterville Valley has been in the painting business for 30 years. He was first introduced to Congressman Paul by his teenage son, and said he felt an instant connection to the Congressman because his thoughts and beliefs are so similar to his. He said, "I was raised to live within my means, and truth and consistency do matter, even if it isn't what you would like to hear."
Hillsborough County
Ed and Barbara Aichinger of Bedford have owned their business for 20 years, where they employ eight people. They said of the congressman, "Dr. Paul is the only candidate that has a clear understanding of the economy and he can get us out of this financial mess. He predicted it, he understands it, and he can lead us back to prosperity."
Paul and Rita Harrington have operated their business in Nashua for over 25 years, with thousands of independent distributors and customers. They declared, "We strongly support Dr. Ron Paul for President for his unwavering dedication to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. He understands what the role of the federal government should be and will make sure to limit the overbearing departments like the FDA, EPA, etc. He knows the purpose of the Constitution is to limit the power of the federal government not the American people."
Carol Karsten of Antrim operates an Alpaca farm with the help of part-time contractors, and has been in business since 1998. Karsten supports the Texas Congressman because of his message of personal liberty. "I have known a great deal about Dr. Paul from my family's experience having been among his constituents. The most important thing about Dr. Paul for me is that of all the people running for the U.S. Presidency, he is the only principled patriot that has taken his sworn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States seriously, and has weighed all his votes in Congress in accordance with our precious Constitution." Karsten continued, "Dr. Paul is the only person running whose foreign policy stance reflects that of our founders and he is the only candidate that has voted against the Patriot Act and against the recently enacted NDAA that shreds our Fifth Amendment as completely as the Patriot Act shreds the Fourth. As the owner of a small farm who deals with the onslaught of federal and state regulation, I know Dr. Paul's positions on personal liberty as well as personal property are very important to continuing our way of life in the United States, as we know."
Rockingham County
Consultant and entrepreneur Mark Carpenter voiced his enthusiastic support for Congressman Paul due to his strong support for his Constitutional views. In addition, he stated, "Ron Paul is Right. It's the message that keeps coming to my lips at every turn."
Dr. Christopher Suprock, of Exeter has been in business for four years in New Hampshire, where he hired three full-time employees. He articulated his support for Congressman Paul saying, "Dr. Paul is a scholar of economics and history. His solutions address the key failures of our government by returning respect for individual sovereignty and personal liberty. Paul courageously campaigns with a Libertarian philosophy of volunteerism, resourcefulness, and respect for ones' neighbors. Respect for individual liberty also means we shouldn't be so crass and manipulative with our international neighbors. The notion of blowback is real. Paul is the only candidate that recognizes the intimate connection between individual freedoms and the self-fulfilling dangers of an American empire."
Sullivan County
Tom Barton has been harvesting timber for four years from the Washington, New Hampshire area. Barton said of Dr. Paul, "I believe in constitutionally-limited government, economic freedom, individual liberty, personal responsibility, and a sane non-interventionist foreign policy. So does Dr. Paul."
Asa first basic step, those interested in joining the "Small Businesses for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page by clicking here. Those residing in New Hampshire should email New Hampshire Communications Director Kate Schackai at KateS@RonPaul2012.com.
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul New Hampshire Team Welcomes Additional 'Small Businesses for Ron Paul' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299233