FLASHBACK: "[Gingrich's] campaign released a letter written by the former House speaker to supporters, insisting that he will run a positive campaign and asking them to do the same. ... [A]s the days and weeks roll forward, keep Gingrich's pledge in mind. If there is ever a thing in political circles known as a 'clip and save,' this is it."
Reuters: Gingrich "May Have A New And Unlikely Partner In His Quest To Tarnish Rival Mitt Romney: President Barack Obama." "Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, angry over his poor performance in the Iowa caucuses, may have a new and unlikely partner in his quest to tarnish rival Mitt Romney: President Barack Obama." (Jeff Mason and Scott Malone, "Odd Allies: Gingrich, Obama Align In Attacks On Romney," Reuters, 1/4/12)
- Reuters Headline: "Odd Allies: Gingrich, Obama Align In Attacks On Romney" (Reuters, 1/4/12)
Reuters: Newt's Attacks "Would Help Obama, Whose Advisers Are Using A Similar Playbook To Gingrich's..." "Obama's campaign would be happy if Gingrich could define Romney in a more negative light, which would allow the president to hold back his own attacks and stay above the fray for a while...It would help Obama, whose advisers are using a similar playbook to Gingrich's in terms of portraying Romney as someone who can't decide between liberal-leaning and conservative-leaning ideas." (Jeff Mason and Scott Malone, "Odd Allies: Gingrich, Obama Align In Attacks On Romney," Reuters, 1/4/12)
- Reuters: Gingrich Is "An Angry Revenge-Seeker." (Steve Holland and Michelle Nichols, "Santorum Faces Closer Scrutiny In New Hampshire," Reuters, 1/5/12)
- Washington Post's "Right Turn" Headline: "Gingrich Is Out For Revenge" (Washington Post, 1/4/12)
The Atlantic's Major Garrett: Gingrich Is "Attacking Romney As Harshly As Any Democrat." "Now, as Gingrich faces a disappointing loss in Iowa, he's attacking Romney as harshly as any Democrat. If Gingrich keeps it up, he may do little to improve his chances but add considerably to Obama's anti-Romney highlight reel. Gingrich never intended this to be his legacy. Oops." (Major Garrett, "How Newt Gingrich Blew The Primary And His Political Legacy," The Atlantic, 1/5/12)
- The Wall Street Journal: "Call it 'G' for Vendetta." (Joseph Rago, "William Tecumseh Gingrich," The Wall Street Journal, 1/6/12)
ABC News: "Is [Gingrich] Trying To Win, And Is He Employing A Strategy That Would Move Him Toward Something More Than Settling Scores?" "It raises a fundamental question (to borrow a favorite Newt formulation) about Gingrich's campaign: Is he trying to win, and is he employing a strategy that would move him toward something more than settling scores?" (Rick Klein, "Kamikaze Newt: Trying to Win, or Out for Revenge?" ABC News, 1/5/12)
- ABC Headline: "Kamikaze Newt: Trying To Win, Or Out For Revenge?" (ABC News, 1/5/12)
Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: Being Attacked By Gingrich "Is Somewhat Like Getting Attacked By A Porcupine ... He Just Points Himself Everywhere, Attacks Everywhere." FLEISCHER: "[G]etting attacked by Newt Gingrich is somewhat like getting attacked by a porcupine. I mean he just points himself everywhere, attacks everywhere, no strategy, no consistent theme. And he looks so mean when he does it." (CNN, 1/4/12)
- Washington Post: "Does Newt Gingrich Go On A Kamikaze Mission?" (Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake, "The 5 Key Questions Of The Republican Presidential Race, Washington Post, 1/5/12)
NBC's "First Read": "These Attacks Appear To Break Gingrich's Pledge To Run A Positive-Only Campaign." "These attacks appear to break Gingrich's pledge to run a positive-only campaign although the former speaker claims he is just showing contrast, not going negative." (Alex Moe, "Gingrich Takes More Direct Aim At Romney In NH," NBC's "First Read," 1/5/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Reaction to Speaker Gingrich's "Kamikaze" Mission Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299854