Santorum Campaign Press Release - Real Romney Jobs Record: "Not One Measure Where the State Did Well Under His Term in Office"
Verona, PA - Former Governor Mitt Romney talks a lot about his ability to reinvigorate our economy, but his record as Governor tells a very different story.
Hogan Gidley, National Communications Director, said: "Mitt Romney 'understands the economy?' Tell that to the people of Massachusetts. His jobs record as governor was pathetic - and this is just another instance where the Romney rhetoric doesn't meet reality. Romney World can talk about job creation all they want, but here in the real world he failed the people of Massachusetts."
The Real Record Of Romney In Office: As Massachusetts Governor, His State Saw Wretched Job Creation, Manufacturing Declines And Residents Fleeing
Massachusetts Under Romney And The U.S. Under Obama Are Remarkably Similar - During Their Respective Administrations Not Enough Jobs Were Created. "The parallels between Massachusetts then and the country as a whole now point to the same central problem that has dogged the U.S. economy the last three times it's climbed out of a recession: The recovery hasn't created enough jobs." (Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
- The Washington Post: "As Governor, Romney Faced His First Test In Applying His Business Background To A Slow-Growing Economy - And Data Show That The Results Were Unremarkable."(Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
Northeastern University Professor And Director Of The Center For Labor Market Studies Andrew M. Sum On Romney: "There Was Not One Measure Where The State Did Well Under His Term In Office. We Were Below Average And Often Near The Bottom."(Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
Under Romney, Massachusetts Had The Weakest Job Growth In The Country, Other Than Two States Hit By Hurricane Katrina And The State Of Michigan. "In fact, Massachusetts had the weakest employment growth of any state from 2002 to 2006 except for Mississippi and Louisiana, which suffered the brunt of Hurricane Katrina, and Michigan itself, which was buffeted by the auto industry's woes." (Seth McLaughlin, "Critics Hit Romney Job-Creation Record," The Washington Times, 2/26/12)
"Massachusetts Had A Net Job Growth Of 1.4 Percent Under Romney. However, That Was Far Slower Growth Than The National Average Of 5.3%."(Lori Robertson and Robert Farley, "Fact check: Romney's Shaky Jobs Claim," www.usatoday.com, USA Today, 1/5/12)
The Highest Estimate Placed Massachusetts Job Creation Under Romney At 1.6 Percent - Moody's Economy.com Found The Number Was Only 24,400 Jobs Or A Growth Rate Of .08 Percent. "When Romney took office, there were 3,224,600 nonfarm seasonally adjusted jobs in Massachusetts. When he left office, there were 3,270,400, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means under Romney's economic policies Massachusetts saw a net gain of only 45,800 jobs; a growth rate of 1.42 percent. Other estimates vary. For example, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development estimates job growth of 51,400 over that period. But in another analysis by Moody's Economy.com, the number was lower: only 24,400." (Matt Lewis, "Mitt Romney's Jobs Record Worse Than Michael Dukakis,'" dailycaller.com, 9/5/11)
"Massachusetts Was One Of Just Four States That By The Time Of The Financial Crisis Still Had Not Recovered All The Jobs They Had Lost During The 2001 Recession."(Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
As One Observer Noted, Romney's Job Record Was Substantially Worse Than Former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, And Dukakis Was Governor During The Anemic Carter Administration. "The data are even more problematic when Romney's record is compared to one of his predecessors, Michael Dukakis. On average Dukakis created roughly 45,209 jobs per year while he served as Governor of the Commonwealth, a total of 497,300 net new jobs from 1976 through 1979 and 1983 through 1991, according to Labor and Workforce. ... By contrast, Romney - who is also making job creation a centerpiece of his presidential campaign - created only an average of 12,850 per year between 2003 and 2007." (Matt Lewis, "Mitt Romney's Jobs Record Worse Than Michael Dukakis,'" dailycaller.com, 9/5/11)
"Just One State Had A Bigger Drop In Its Labor Force During The Same Period, According To Sum - That Was Louisiana, Which Was Hit By Hurricane Katrina In 2005."(Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
- Northeastern University Professor Andrew Sum: "The Fact The Unemployment Rate Went Down Had Nothing To Do With The Policies Of His Administration."(Seth McLaughlin, "Critics Hit Romney Job-Creation Record," The Washington Times, 2/26/12)
David Tuerck Of The Pro-Business Beacon Hill Institute Questioned Romney's Energy In Applying His Private Sector Background - "He Let His Commissioner Of Revenue Go On A Rampage" Raising Taxes. "'The fact that he let his commissioner of revenue go on a rampage to raise corporate taxes suggests to me he wasn't being very energetic about translating his pro-business viewpoint into action,' said David Tuerck, executive director of the Beacon Hill Institute, a pro-business research group." (Jia Lynn Yang, "As Massachusetts Governor, Romney Had An Unremarkable Record On Jobs," The Washington Post, 2/7/12)
Rick Santorum, Santorum Campaign Press Release - Real Romney Jobs Record: "Not One Measure Where the State Did Well Under His Term in Office" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/300609