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Romney Campaign Press Release - President Obama's Bain Backfire Continues

May 21, 2012

Under President Obama, more Americans have lost their jobs than under any president since the Great Depression. President Obama's policies have failed every American who expected their President to focus on the economy and make things better.

"President Obama continues his assault on the free enterprise system with attacks that one of his supporters, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, called 'nauseating' and a former adviser, Steven Rattner, called 'unfair.' Under President Obama, more Americans have lost their jobs than under any president since the Great Depression. President Obama's policies have failed every American who expected their President to focus on the economy and make things better. Americans expected a different kind of politics from Barack Obama but, sadly, this is just more of the same failed politics that dominates Washington. For a vision of a better America, view Mitt Romney's positive action plan for Day One." –Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson."

President Obama's Surrogates And Supporters Have Decried His Campaign's Attacks On Governor Romney And Free Enterprise:

Former Representative Harold Ford (D-TN), On President Obama's Attacks On Free Enterprise: "Private Equity's Not A Bad Thing. ... Private Equity Is A Good Thing In Many, Many Instances." "Former Tennessee Rep. Harold Ford said Monday that he would not have walked back New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker's surprising comments criticizing the Obama campaign for attacking private equity. 'I would not have backed off the comments if I were Mayor Booker,' Ford, a Democrat, said on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe.' 'The substance of his comments on 'Meet the Press,' I agree with the core of it. I would not have backed them out... private equity's not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.'" (Tim Mak, "Ex-Rep. Ford: Booker Was Right," Politico, 5/21/12)

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Mayor Cory Booker (D-Newark, NJ): "If You Look At The Totality Of Bain Capital's Record, They've Done A Lot To Support Businesses, To Grow Businesses, And This To Me, I'm Very Uncomfortable With." BOOKER: "I have to say from a very personal level I'm not about to sit here and indict private equity. To me, it's just, we're getting to a ridiculous point in America. Especially, I know, I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people are investing in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses, and this to me, I'm very uncomfortable with." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 5/20/12)

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Former Obama Economic Adviser Stephen Rattner: "I Think The [Obama] Ad Is Unfair... I Don't Think There's Anything Bain Capital Did That They Need To Be Embarrassed About." "Former Obama administration auto czar Steven Rattner said Monday that the Obama campaign's renewed attack on Mitt Romney's time in private equity was 'unfair.' 'I think the ad is unfair.' Rattner said. ... '[Bain Capital] did it superbly well, acting within the rules, acting very responsibly,' Rattner said. 'This is part of capitalism, this is part of life. I don't think there's anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about.'" (Byron Tau, "Ex-Obama Adviser: Latest Anti-Romney Ad Is 'Unfair'," Politico, 5/14/12)

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Obama Supporter And Bundler Don Peebles: "Any Type Of Attack And Vilification Of A Particular Industry Is Not Okay To Begin With." "Peebles, who is sometimes described as the largest-scale African-American real estate developer in the country, told BuzzFeed that he was wary of the ads by the Obama campaign and the pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA which have attacked Bain Capital. 'Any type of attack and vilification of a particular industry is not okay to begin with,' he said." (Zeke Miller, "Obama Bundler Decries 'Villification' Of Private Equity," BuzzFeed, 5/15/12)

President Obama's Record On Job Creation? The Worst Of Any Administration In Modern History:

During President Obama's Time In Office, The Nation Has Lost 572,000 Jobs And The Unemployment Rate Has Increased To 8.1%. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 5/21/12)

  • Nearly Twenty-Three Million Americans Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed 5/21/12)

In April, "More Than 340,000 Workers Dropped Out Of The Labor Force." "April's jobs report was, in a word, disappointing. The economy added only 115,000 jobs. Hiring slowed. More than 340,000 workers dropped out of the labor force." (Charles Riley, "Why Obama Can't Match The Reagan Recovery," CNN Money, 5/4/12)

  • The Share Of Working-Age Americans In The Labor Force Is At Its "Lowest Level Since 1981." "The share of working-age Americans who are in the labor force, meaning they are either working or actively looking for a job, is now at its lowest level since 1981 — when far fewer women were doing paid work." (Catherine Rampell, "U.S. Added Only 115,000 Jobs In April; Rate Is 8.1%," The New York Times, 5/4/12)

"More Than 5 Million Americans Have Been Unemployed For Six Months Or Longer..." "More than 5 million Americans have been unemployed for six months or longer, an astonishingly high number almost three years into a recovery." (Christopher S. Rugaber, "US Hiring Slows Sharply With Just 115K Jobs Added," The Associated Press, 5/4/12)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - President Obama's Bain Backfire Continues Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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