Romney Campaign Press Release - Day Two: Obama Campaign Vs. Obama White House On Security Leaks
"President Obama's advisers can't seem to get their stories straight on whether security leaks originated from the White House. After repeated denials, it's clear the President and his advisers aren't prepared to answer tough questions about the source of sensitive national security leaks. The time for stonewalling is over, and it's time for a full, prompt, and independent investigation." — Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman
Earlier Today, President Obama's Press Secretary Couldn't Explain Conflicting Answers — Twice — Between President Obama's Campaign And The White House:
When Asked If He Could "Say Flatly That Nobody From The White House Was Involved In The National Security Leaks That Are Being Investigated," Spokesman Jay Carney Did Not Deny White House Involvement. FOX NEWS' ED HENRY: "Can you say flatly that nobody from the White House was involved in the national security leaks that are being investigated?" CARNEY: "Well Ed as you know this is a matter being investigated by two experienced prosecutors. I can't specifically speak about it. I can point you to the statements of the President, the statements I've made in the past about this, about the seriousness with which he takes this issue..." (White House Press Briefing, 7/26/12)
When Asked Pointedly If He Could "Today Say That Nobody From The White House Was Involved," Carney Asked: "In Which Particular Case?" HENRY: "One of your past statements from June 11 when you said it's absurd when Senator McCain suggested people inside the White House leaked this information for political gain. In June, David Axelrod flatly said on ABC that nobody in the White House was involved and David Axelrod was on MSNBC yesterday and said the President did not leak anything and then followed up by saying the President did not authorize any leaks. That's different. That leaves up the door that there were unauthorized leaks by White House people. So, have you moved the goal posts?" CARNEY: "No, Ed, I think you're conflating a lot of things. All of those statements are completely true. I stand by what I've said and Mr. Axelrod and the President has said..." HENRY: "He said no one from the White House was involved. Can you today say that nobody from the White House was involved?" CARNEY: "Involved in which particular case are you talking about? I can tell you that the President takes this very seriously." (White House Press Briefing, 7/26/12)
Watch The White House Avoid Denying Involvement In The Leaks
Yesterday, Senior Obama Campaign Adviser David Axelrod Couldn't Deny That National Security Leaks Came From Within The Obama White House:
When Told It Is "Very Obvious The White House Is Leaking Classified Information," Axelrod Did Not Deny The Charge And Called It A "Diversion." MSNBC's JOE SCARBOROUGH: "It is very obvious, it is very obvious the White House is leaking classified information." AXELROD: "Well, Joe, I can tell you, that the President of the United States did not leak classified information, as Mitt Romney suggested yesterday, didn't authorize the leak of classified information, as Mitt Romney suggested yesterday, and I think it was largely a diversion because what's he going to talk about?" (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 7/25/12)
When Asked "Why Is It Leaking Out Of The White House?" Axelrod Again Didn't Deny White House Leaks, Saying "There Are Leaks Out Of Every Administration." SCARBOROUGH: "Why is it leaking out of the White House? How do we stop it?" AXELROD: "Joe, there's an investigation going — well, you stop it by sending strong signals. Strong signals have been sent. There are leaks out of every administration." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 7/25/12)
Yet Just Last Month, President Obama Flatly Denied That His White House Was Responsible For The Leaks:
President Obama: "The Notion That My White House Would Purposely Release Classified National Security Information Is Offensive." PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: "The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. It's wrong. And people I think need to have a better sense of how I approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office." (President Barack Obama, Press Conference, 6/8/12)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney: "Any Suggestion That The White House Has Leaked Sensitive Information For Political Purposes Has No Basis In Fact..." CARNEY: "This administration takes all appropriate and necessary steps to prevent leaks of classified information or sensitive information that could risk ongoing counterterrorism or intelligence operations. Any suggestion that the White House has leaked sensitive information for political purposes has no basis in fact and has been denied by the authors themselves, as one of the authors of The New York Times story on Obama's counterterrorism record said, 'The notion that the White House prompted the story or controlled our reporting and writing is absurd.'" (White House Press Gaggle, 6/7/12)
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D): "I Think The White House Has To Understand That Some Of This Is Coming From Their Ranks":
Senator Feinstein: "I Think The White House Has To Understand That Some Of This Is Coming From Their Ranks." "A prominent Democrat is giving the White House heartburn over national security leaks. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, told a World Affairs Council forum yesterday, 'I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks.' ... The leaks have included news that the U.S. has launched cyberattacks against Iran's nuclear program and details of an investigation into an al-Qaeda bombing plot." (USA Today, 7/24/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Day Two: Obama Campaign Vs. Obama White House On Security Leaks Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/302067