Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying: "Electing Mitt Romney Will Bring Real Change"
"The Best Choice" ... "Promise For A Way Forward" ... "A Pragmatic Businessman And Leader" ... "The Leader Our Nation Needs"
Altoona Mirror (PA): "We Need Hope For A Brighter Tomorrow, And We Need A Change Of Direction In Washington. Mitt Romney Is The Leader Our Nation Needs..." "Four years ago, Americans voted for Barack Obama's promises of hope and change. But we didn't get the sunny day envisioned by many. Instead we have been saddled with exploding debt and a struggling economy. ... We need hope for a brighter tomorrow, and we need a change of direction in Washington. Mitt Romney is the leader our nation needs, and we encourage our readers to vote for him on Nov. 6." (Editorial, "Romney Best Hope For Change," Altoona Mirror, 10/28/12)
Bemidji Pioneer (MN): "Romney Offers Promise For A Way Forward" "After being elected governor in 2002, Romney straightened out Massachusetts. He made tough decisions to rein in spending, restructured and consolidated government programs to emphasize efficiencies and to eliminate waste. He got government out of the way of small businesses, signed job-creating incentives, lowered unemployment and eliminated a $3 billion deficit without borrowing or raising taxes. He did all of it while working with a state legislature controlled by Democrats." (Editorial, "Romney Offers Promise For A Way Forward,"Bemidji Pioneer, 10/28/12)
Cape Cod Times (MA): "The Time Is Right For Someone With His Broad Skill Set. We Recommend Romney For President." "Overall, what we've seen of Romney over many years — from business success to running a state to impeccable personal attributes — convinces us that the time is right for someone with his broad skill set. We recommend Romney for president." (Editorial, "Romney For President," Cape Cod Times, 10/28/12)
Joplin Globe (MO): "Change Is Needed In Washington, But After Four Years With President Barack Obama Setting The Nation's Course, That Change Has Not Come. ... Mitt Romney Should Be The Next President." "Systemic, long-term change is needed in Washington, but after four years with President Barack Obama setting the nation's course, that change has not come. ... Mitt Romney should be the next president." (Editorial, "Mitt Romney For President," Joplin Globe, 10/27/12)
Minot Daily News (ND): "Electing Mitt Romney As President Will Bring Real Change, Giving Americans Reason For Hope About The Future." "Before casting your vote in the election for president, ask yourself two questions: First, is the United States better off today than four years ago? Even more important, will you be better off four years from now? Electing Mitt Romney as president will bring real change, giving Americans reason for hope about the future. President Barack Obama's record provides cause only for worry." (Editorial, "Elect Romney President," Minot Daily News, 10/21/12)
St. Joseph News-Press (MO): "We Are Convinced Of [Romney's] Ability To Promote His Ideas And To Work Across Party Lines. This Stands In Stark Contrast With President Obama..." "Mr. Romney's prescription for a resurgent America comes down to his belief in empowering businesses, individuals and families. We are convinced of his ability to promote his ideas and to work across party lines. This stands in stark contrast with President Obama, who promised a bipartisan approach but failed to deliver. We have seen this on health care, on the $830 billion in stimulus spending, and on his failure to endorse the credible Simpson-Bowles deficit-reduction plan." (Editorial, "Romney: Best Choice For Nation," St. Joseph News-Press, 10/27/12)
Savannah Morning News (GA): "It's Time To Fire Mr. Obama And Hire Mr. Romney." "Voters in the Savannah area and elsewhere will soon decide whether President Obama or Mitt Romney will lead this nation for the next four years. It's a hugely important decision, with the most critical question being jobs: Which man is better able to put America back to work? In our view, it's time to fire Mr. Obama and hire Mr. Romney. We endorse him for president of the United States." (Editorial, "Romney For President," Savannah Morning News, 10/28/12)
Shreveport Times (LA): "We Feel Change Is Needed Again. And We Believe Romney Fills That Ticket." "It is true that in 2008 we endorsed the change promised by Obama, but the reality today is — four years later — we have little confidence Obama will be more successful managing the economy and the budget going forward. Indeed, we feel change is needed again. And we believe Romney fills that ticket." (Editorial, "Mitt Romney: Our Choice For President," Shreveport Times, 10/26/12)
Vacaville Reporter (CA): Mitt Romney Has Been "A Pragmatic Businessman And Leader Who Has Been Able To Work With All Kinds Of People To Solve Difficult Problems." "For most of his public life, Mr. Romney appears to have been a pragmatic businessman and leader who has been able to work with all kinds of people to solve difficult problems. ... Mr. Romney, however, has the negotiation skills to bring the parties to the table and hammer out agreements that will right this ship of state and get her sailing again." (Editorial, "Mitt Romney For President," Vacaville Reporter, 10/28/12)
Williamsport Sun-Gazette (PA): "Romney Is Clearly The Best Choice To Be Our Next President." "On Nov. 6, Americans will choose whether to continue the big government stewardship of Democrat President Barack Obama or cast their lot with the no-nonsense agenda of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. In our view, the Republican Romney is clearly the best choice to be our next president." (Editorial, "Romney Is Clear Choice In Pivotal Presidential Election," Williamsport Sun-Gazette, 10/28/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying: "Electing Mitt Romney Will Bring Real Change" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/302902