Graham: "Voters Owe It To The Military To Pick A President Worthy Of Their Sacrifice"
On day 5 of a 9-day tour in the first in the nation primary state, Senator Lindsey Graham delivered remarks at the No Labels Problem Solver Convention, visited the Sandwich Fair, hosted a meet and greet at the NH Veterans Home and attended a house party hosted by Kevin and Alice Major. In case you missed it, take a look at some of the buzz from day 5:
"'I've spent time understanding this world, how this war [with radical Islam] got to where it is, and how to win it,' he told the Examiner.
"The retired Air Force Reserves colonel added, 'I think every voter owes it to the military to pick somebody worthy of their sacrifice to be their commander-in-chief.'"
(Gabby Morrongiello, "Graham: 'Voters owe it to the military to pick a president worthy of their sacrifice,'" Washington Examiner, 10/12/15)
Photo by No Labels
"'I don't think [the other candidates] can hold a candle to me when it comes to foreign policy...'
"The Palmetto State's senior senator has more than three decades of experience in the military and frequently tells voters his extensive travel in the Middle East gives him a unique advantage as a presidential candidate...
"'I've spent time understanding this world, how this war [with radical Islam] got to where it is, and how to win it,' he told the Examiner.
"The retired Air Force Reserves colonel added, 'I think every voter owes it to the military to pick somebody worthy of their sacrifice to be their commander-in-chief.'"
(Gabby Morrongiello, "Graham: 'Voters owe it to the military to pick a president worthy of their sacrifice,'"Washington Examiner, 10/12/15)
Discussing Foreign Policy At The No Labels Problem Solver Convention...
Talking With NH Primary Voters At The Sandwich Fair...
Related Images
Lindsey Graham, Graham Campaign Press Release - Graham's #FITN Tour: Day 5 Recap Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project