Bush: Extremely Electable
OK, now it's New Hampshire's turn.
Ted Cruz beating Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio placing third gives the pundits something to talk about, but given Iowa is renowned for supporting evangelicals and far-right candidates with strong ground games, the results are not all that shocking.
Thankfully, the caucus results also take away the media's narrative that Trump will "run the table"' and sets up New Hampshire — one of the least religious states — as a firewall for moderate Republican governors who had no chance in Iowa: John Kasich, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.
Although he so far has underperformed, we believe Bush, with his vast network of establishment support, is the candidate most likely to beat Hillary Clinton.
With Trump's histrionics dominating so much of the news, it's easy to forget just how extreme and unelectable the Iowa front-runners are.
Trump wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, ban all Muslims from entering and slap a 45 percent excise tax on China.
Cruz's military strategy includes carpet bombing parts of Syria. As a true believer, he would take the country on a scary step toward Armageddon in the Middle East. Cruz has the most conservative record in Congress and is disliked by virtually every one of his colleagues in the Senate, two remarkable accomplishments.
Though Rubio is considered establishment, he is also a warmonger and wants to add a $1 trillion to the military. Not only is his rhetoric about America being in serious decline and ISIS constituting a threat to "hundreds of thousands" of Americans untrue, it is also tiresome. We're not interested in an Alarmist-in-Chief.
Bush not only checks all the boxes for conservatives, on both fiscal and social issues, but unlike the front-runners who complain about how Washington doesn't work and will prove it once they get in, he is conciliatory by nature and has sensible plans on major issues like immigration.
When asked at an editorial board at the Conway Sun whether he'd conduct warfare more like his father or brother, Jeb said he'd build a coalition like his dad's and take a measured approach, so unlike the warmongering we hear from the front-runners.
Jeb Bush by nature and upbringing treats people with respect; thus, he's not particularly good at name-calling. As unimpressive as he looked trading insults with Trump, in person he's confident, thoughtful and likable, qualities that should not disqualify him as president.
New Hampshire has the power to get a sensible Republican in the game and keep anti-establishment, far-right candidates from running away with the nomination.
Much more than Iowa, New Hampshire reflects the body politic of American's tradition of governing from the center, and it is our responsibility to give one of the moderates a chance.
Our choice for that role is Jeb Bush, a man who can reach out to minorities, women and center-to-right independents — people Republicans need to win back the White House.
Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush Campaign Press Release - The Conway Daily Sun Endorses Jeb Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/312919