Kasich Campaign Press Release - South Carolina State Rep. Chip Limehouse: John Kasich Has What It Takes
Letter: Check Out John Kasich
The mainstream media are fond of sorting presidential candidates into lanes — outsider, establishment and so on. They don't seem to know what to do with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who consistently defies categorization.
The man I know is the most conservative candidate in the race, yet he has the broad appeal to defeat Hillary Clinton this November.
No other candidate in the field can come close to him in three key areas: economic results, national security experience and electability.
As Ohio governor, he eliminated a projected $8 billion state deficit without raising taxes. John Kasich is also the only candidate with a realistic plan to balance the federal budget. Skeptical? In Congress he led the effort to balance the budget for the first time in a generation as chair of the Budget Committee in 1997.
As a U.S. congressman he spent 18 years on the Armed Services Committee, where he was a strong proponent of President Ronald Reagan's security agenda. Today we face a myriad of threats to our security, and we need a leader with the resolve and experience to stand up to our enemies. Gov. Kasich has a detailed plan for strengthening our military, renewing our alliances and standing up to bullies like China and Russia.
Finally, Gov. Kasich is the most electable candidate in the presidential race. Time and again, Hillary Clinton's advisors have publicly admitted that John Kasich is the candidate they are most afraid of facing in a general election. Unlike Hillary, he has a record of bringing people together to get things done, not dividing the nation for political gain.
He may not be the loudest or flashiest candidate in the race, but he has what it takes to beat Hillary Clinton and win the White House.
Rep. Chip Limehouse
District 10
S.C. House of Representatives
Menotti Street
John Kasich, Kasich Campaign Press Release - South Carolina State Rep. Chip Limehouse: John Kasich Has What It Takes Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/313054