Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsements: South Carolina State Sen. Raymond Cleary & State Rep. Gary Clary Endorse John Kasich
State Co-Chair Sen. Cleary to represent the Lowcountry of South Carolina
State Co-Chair Rep. Clary to represent the Upstate
Today, South Carolina State Senator Raymond Cleary and State Representative Gary Clary endorsed Ohio Governor John Kasich for President. Both will serve as State Co-Chairs of Kasich for America's South Carolina team.
Senator Ray Cleary has served in the South Carolina Senate since he was first elected in 2005, representing the 34th Senate District which includes Charleston, Georgetown and Horry Counties. After receiving his degree in dentistry, Sen. Cleary served as a Captain in the United States Air Force before opening a dental office in Surfside Beach, SC, where he still maintains his practice.
Said Sen. Cleary, "John Kasich's resume and experience are precisely tailored to fixing our nation's most pressing problems, and are unmatched by any other candidate in this race. He was the chief architect of our nation's last balanced budget, and with 18 years on the House Armed Services Committee, he knows how to keep America secure in a dangerous world. Americans know that experience matters, and we must elect a President who won't need on-the-job training."
From 1992—2002, State Representative Gary Clary served as Seat 5 Circuit Judge at Large, and for the past decade as a certified mediator and arbitrator. In 2014, Rep. Clary was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives winning 84% of the vote, and represents the citizens of western Pickens County. Clary sits on the Education and Public Works Committee as well as the Legislative Oversight Committee, and has proven to be a strong fiscal hawk committed to job creation and economic growth.
Said Rep. Clary, "Under Governor John Kasich, Ohio has created more than 347,000 private sector jobs after the previous administration lost more than 350,000. He turned an $8 billion projected budget deficit into a $2 billion surplus. Kasich understands that economic growth and fiscal restraint are the keys to prosperity, and has a record of success in Ohio that proves it. I share those same conservative principles and am proud to endorse him for President."
Said Kasich, "The campaign organization continues to build momentum throughout the South, and I am thrilled with the team that is coming together in South Carolina. With the additional direction and counsel from State Representative Heather Ammons Crawford, our South Carolina Team continues to strengthen and grow, and I know we are going to be successful there."
John Kasich, Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsements: South Carolina State Sen. Raymond Cleary & State Rep. Gary Clary Endorse John Kasich Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/313141