Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz in National Review Op-Ed: Let's Revive America's Culture of Cures and Innovation
HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today penned an op-ed for National Review championing medical innovation and previewing his FDA reform legislation.
Excerpt of the op-ed is below and may be viewed in full here.
Let's Revive America's Culture of Cures and Innovation
National Review
Ted Cruz
The FDA denies approval to cures for diseases because of decades-old research standards that don't make sense for today's science.
America has always been a pioneering place. It has spurred innovation and offered hope and opportunity to millions of people from around the world. Many of our greatest innovators have been doctors and researchers who have risked everything to save lives. Yet now scientists and patients are too frequently being denied the opportunity to advance medical cures.
We continue to lose far too many of our loved ones to the "invisible graveyard," as economist Alex Tabarrok has described: lives that could have been saved but for a bureaucratic barrier that rejects medical cures and innovation. In 2015, 700,000 Americans are expected to die of Alzheimer's; nearly 600,000 lives will be taken by cancer. Moreover, millions of Americans suffer from countless chronic diseases that significantly impair their daily well-being. For instance, 25.8 million are afflicted by diabetes, and 30 million are afflicted by rare diseases, 95 percent of which have no known treatment.
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Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz in National Review Op-Ed: Let's Revive America's Culture of Cures and Innovation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project