Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Announces Endorsement from Eagle Forum Activists
HOUSTON, Texas – In a letter today, 20 Eagle Forum state leaders and activists endorsed Ted Cruz for President, naming Cruz as the leader America needs and the best of the candidates competing for the Republican nomination.
"I am honored to have the support of so many Eagles, at the grassroots and all across this nation," Cruz said. "Phyllis Schlafly has given me much good advice over the years, and I admire the courageous grassroots activists who are carrying on her great work. Our nation is indebted to Eagle Forum for their conservative leadership, now in its fifth decade. Eagle Forum understands the unequaled power of the American people when they rise up against the Washington cartel and in defense of our nation's founding freedoms."
Full text of the letter appears below.
In the conservative trenches, Eagle Forum activists have been shaping American policy and electing conservative leaders for nearly 45 years. We know the urgency of this presidential election, and we have weighed the candidates seriously and thoroughly.
Among the Republican candidates, Ted Cruz stands out. His courageous conservatism is indisputable. As Solicitor General of Texas, he successfully protected the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance. He stood up for veterans' free speech rights. Ted Cruz defended religious liberty in public schools, the workplace, and the church. Ted Cruz' resume is just as remarkable as his courage: Cruz does not simply choose the right side in the battles that matter: he leads the battle to victory.
As a United States Senator, Ted Cruz has led the fight against Planned Parenthood and Obamacare. He has defended marriage, opposed judicial activism, exposed Common Core, and worked to secure our border. He has eloquently defended our freedom of speech and 2nd Amendment rights.
The Washington cartel has betrayed the American people. Too many Republicans have abused the trust of conservatives. It is time for conservatives to claim our nation for liberty and to restore opportunity: as Ted Cruz says, to reignite the promise of America.
Ted Cruz embodies Eagle Forum's mission: "to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, and private enterprise."
Ted Cruz is the Reaganesque leader our country needs in 2016. While establishment Republicans led the charge for amnesty and betrayed the trust of those who elected them, Ted Cruz fought to uphold the law and defend our borders. Ted Cruz has demonstrated steadfastness, character, and intelligence in Washington.
50 years ago, during another strategic election, Phyllis Schlafly reminded America that ultimately, the people do not serve the government: government must serve the people. Now once more, it is time for a law-abiding, truth-telling president in the Oval Office.
With this in mind, we, the undersigned Eagle Forum state leaders, enthusiastically endorse Ted Cruz for President of the United States. From the grassroots up, we will work to ensure his victory: Ted Cruz is our choice, and we refuse to be an echo.
Anne Cori, State Leader, Missouri Eagle Forum
Cathie Adams, State Leader, Texas Eagle Forum and Eagle Forum Board Member
Trayce Bradford, Incoming State Leader, Texas Eagle Forum
MerryLynn Gertenschlager, Vice President, Texas Eagle Forum
Betty Anderson, Montgomery County Texas Eagle Forum Leader
Skeet Workman, Lubbock Texas Eagle Forum Leader
Pat Andrews, State Leader, Florida Eagle Forum
Nena Arias, State Leader, North Carolina Eagle Forum
Eunie Smith, State Leader, Alabama Eagle Forum
Elaine Little, Vice President, Alabama Eagle Forum
Jayne Schindler, Co-Director, Colorado Eagle Forum
James Schindler, Co-Director, Colorado Eagle Forum
Rosina Kovar, Leader, Colorado Eagle Forum and Eagle Forum Board Member
Gayle Ruzicka, State Leader, Utah Eagle Forum
Orlean Koehle, State Leader, California Eagle Forum
David Lehman, Orange County Leader, California Eagle Forum
Sandy McDade, State Leader, Louisiana Eagle Forum
Susan Ellsworth, Vice President, Arizona Eagle Forum
Cindy Honcoop, State Leader, Washington Eagle Forum
Lois O'Brien, State Leader, Oregon Eagle Forum
*Titles and affiliations provided for identification purposes only.
Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Announces Endorsement from Eagle Forum Activists Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/315231