Robert Dole photo

Dole Campaign Press Release - Campaign Launches New TV Ad

January 12, 1996

The Dole for President campaign today announced the launch of a new :30 second TV ad called "Tested." The ad, which challenges the "untested leadership and risky ideas" of GOP candidate Steve Forbes, will begin airing throughout the state of Iowa starting today.

Dole National Campaign Manager Scott Reed said: "Steve Forbes claimed he was getting into this race because of his commitment to ideas, but instead, the has launched the most extensive, most expensive negative ad campaign in memory. The reason he'd rather attack Bob Dole than talk about his ideas is because his ideas are risky and his leadership is untested. His biggest enemy is public scrutiny. So far, Forbes has been given a free ride, but he can't expect the American people to allow those ideas to go unquestioned when he's running for the most important job in the world."

Following is the full text of the ad and additional documentation.

Audio                                 Video


Forbes' risky ideas?                  FORBES' RISKY IDEAS?

Forbes supports taxpayer funded       GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: WELFARE

welfare benefits for illegal aliens.  BENEFITS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Forbes opposes mandatory life         GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: OPPOSES

sentences for criminals convicted     MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCES FOR

of three violent felonies.            3 TIME FELONS.

Forbes' economic plan will add        GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: PLAN

$ 186 billion a year to the            ADDS $ 186 BILLION TO DEFICIT


No wonder Forbes opposes the          GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: OPPOSES

Constitutional Amendment to           REPUBLICAN BALANCED BUDGET

balance the budget.                   AMENDMENT.

The more you learn about Steve        GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: THE MORE


Forbes, the more questions you        YOU LEARN THE MORE QUESTIONS YOU

have.                                 HAVE.

Steve Forbes: Untested leadership,    GRAPHIC: STEVE FORBES: UNTESTED

risky ideas.                          LEADERSHIP, RISKY IDEAS.

Robert Dole, Dole Campaign Press Release - Campaign Launches New TV Ad Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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