WASHINGTON, D.C.- Rand Paul for President today announced several major endorsements from caucus state leaders in Nevada, Minnesota, Kansas and Utah, demonstrating that Sen. Paul's political organization is leaps and bounds ahead of all other Republican campaigns. These elected officials join Rand Paul for President Caucus state leaders Congressman Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming; State Sen. Owen Hill and Former State Sen. Scott Renfroe, Colorado; and State Sen. Eric Brakey, Maine. These leaders will play a pivotal role in winning the caucuses and put Sen. Paul one step closer towards the 2016 Republican nomination.
"I am honored to have the endorsement of so many conservative leaders from key caucus states. With their leadership, we can spread my message of liberty and constitutional conservatism throughout the United States and see a victorious outcome in the presidential caucuses," Sen. Rand Paul said.
The Caucus Leaders supporting Rand Paul for President include:
Nevada Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton - Shelton represents Nevada's 10th district and serves on the Assembly education committee, government affairs committee, and legislative operations and elections committee.
"We have broken this government and it will take a strong, consistent leader like Rand Paul to begin the process of fixing it. His record proves he is a man of his word who is not afraid to stand up to the establishment and take on special interests that prey on Americans," Assemblywoman Shelton said.
Nevada Assemblyman John Moore - Moore is a former United States Army Airborne Ranger who fought in the Iraq War. He was elected to the Assembly to represent the 8th District of Nevada in 2014. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Assembly Government Affairs Committee.
"I am endorsing Rand Paul for President because he is a man of integrity and action. He believes in a country where our personal freedoms and liberty are paramount. I am proud to stand with him in defense of our civil liberties," said Assemblyman Moore.
State Senator Roger Chamberlain, Minnesota - In 2010, in his first run for any public office, he was elected as a state senator representing senate district 53. He has served on various committees, including taxes, K-12 education, state departments and veterans' affairs, and commerce. He was vice chair on local government. During the 2012 session Chamberlain served as assistant majority leader, and in 2013 - 2014 he served as assistant minority leader.
"Whether it's a common sense and fair tax plan, supporting education, reining in the abuses by the NSA, or sound foreign policy; Sen. Paul's priority is freeing citizens and putting the people back in charge of their lives. This means taking power back from a Washington ruling class that has run amok and empowering the individual. I am proud to stand with Rand in defeating the Washington Machine," Sen. Chamberlain said.
State Senator Branden Petersen, Minnesota - Petersen represents Minnesota's 35th district. Since taking office in 2010, his legislative priorities include funding equity for schools with high needs but insufficient revenue and "value-added" teacher evaluations that measure effectiveness by student progress, not teacher proficiency. Petersen also believes the state needs to learn to budget and make ends meet in a tougher economy just as his constituents have had to do.
"Rand Paul is the only candidate in this race who consistently stands up for constitutional limited government. His positive vision for America will attract new voters to an aging Republican Party and put us in the best position to win back the White House. I proudly stand with Rand," said Sen. Petersen.
Minnesota Republican Liberty Caucus Chairman Neil Lynch - Current Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus and former CD3 Vice Chair. Neil Lynch was also a candidate for MN GOP State Party Chair in 2015. Professionally, Neil is a seasoned sales engineering and technology manager.
"Rand Paul is the candidate best positioned to beat the Democratic Party's nominee in November. Not only does Sen. Paul unapologetically stand up for the Constitution and against government overreach, he also has the ability to win over independents and conservative Democrats, much like Ronald Reagan did in 1980. I want to win in 2016, so I enthusiastically stand with Rand," said Chairman Lynch.
State Representative Brett Hildabrand, Kansas - Hildabrand is a fourth generation Kansas native originally from Fort Scott. He is a graduate of Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree from the College of Agriculture. Brett is a conservative constitutionalist who believes in limited government, protection of personal liberties, fiscal responsibility, states rights and honoring human life at all stages of development. Brett is an active member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Shawnee.
"I stand with Senator Rand Paul because he fearlessly addresses the issues we face as a nation. While other candidates shift their positions based on public opinion polls, Senator Rand Paul will always abide by the principles of the United States Constitution," State Rep. Hildabrand said.
State Senator Mark Madsen, Utah - Senate Chair, Utah International Relations and Trade Commission, Chairman Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee. Three-term Senator Mark Madsen is consistently ranked as one of Utah's very most conservative Senators, yet also enjoys the highest ranking from the ACLU.
"Rand Paul understands that Washington has hobbled our economy with oppressive regulations and confiscatory taxes, putting American business at a disadvantage compared to countries which embrace entrepreneurs and respect success. Rand Paul's 'Fair and Flat Tax' would go long way to level the global playing field for American business and American jobs," Sen. Madsen said.
State Representative Jacob Anderegg, Utah - Leader of the Utah House Young Guns, Member of the House Business and Labor Committee, House Rules Committee, and House Transportation Committee.
"In today's world evil is often called good and good is often called evil. As a member of a historically persecuted faith, I believe Rand Paul, among all the candidates, understands and will resolutely defend Religious Liberty," said State Rep. Anderegg.
Utah County Commissioner Bill Lee - Utah County Commissioner, Former Deputy State Director for Senator Mike Lee, and small business owner.
"As a Commissioner in a county with a very high growth rate, I understand that we cannot afford to keep adding debt onto our children and grandchildren. I support Rand Paul for president because he is the only candidate serious about reining in our out-of-control spending," Commissioner Lee said.
Rand Paul, Rand Paul Campaign Press Release - Caucus State Leaders Endorse Rand Paul for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/316840