Cruz Campaign Press Release - Democrat Donald: Trump Supports the Most Liberal New York Democrats
HOUSTON, Texas - Today, the Cruz for President campaign highlighted Donald Trump's long history of helping to elect some of the most liberal Democrat office holders as well as contributing heavily to the Democrat machine in New York. Several liberal politicians who have benefited from Trump's contributions have gone on to commit ethics violations, resign in disgrace, or serve time in prison.
"Donald Trump has supported the Democrat politicians who have made it difficult for average Americans to get ahead," said presidential candidate Ted Cruz. "I have met a number of hard-working New Yorkers who are excited that they finally have a true conservative on the ballot to vote for. Trump's record of electing Democrats proves he's not being truthful about what he says he supports and what he claims he'll do. The real Donald Trump is a Democrat and should not be our Party's nominee."
Trump has contributed to New York Rep. Charlie Rangel and floated his name as a potential Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. But in 2010, 333 of Rangel's colleagues voted to censure him for eleven violations of House ethics restrictions and other federal rules.
In addition:
- Trump handed over $41,000 to Eliot Spitzer, who made it all the way to the Governor's Mansion before his relationship with a high-priced prostitute became public. And Trump gave almost $4500 to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner who publicly tweeted lewd pictures of himself.
- Trump has no problem handing out cash to some of the most liberal politicians hailing from New York. He gave $64,000 to Andrew Cuomo, helped elect and re-elect New York mayor David Dinkins, and donated $8,900 to Chuck Schumer, one of the leading Senate Democrats advocating for amnesty and to put liberal justices on the Supreme Court.
- Trump is a significant backer of the corrupt Democrat machine in New York, giving $138,000 to the party over several decades. Since 1999, Trump has personally contributed over $350,000 to New York candidates and committees, and at least an additional $50,000 through one of his businesses.
- Trump's relationship with the Clintons goes back decades. In addition to inviting Bill and Hillary to his wedding, he has contributed to Hillary's New York senate and presidential campaigns, and given at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation (though some reports have it closer to $250,000).
- He's also given thousands of dollars to individuals with legal and ethical violations. Trump gave $56,000 to convicted felon Alan Hevesi who went to prison for a massive pay to play pension scandal. He contributed to a disgraced Queens assemblyman who stole $90,000 from a little league association. And he donated to Sheldon Silver, a former Speaker of the New York State Assembly who is facing 130 years in prison for a corruption.
It should come as no shock that Donald Trump would be a financier of Democrats and the Democratic Party because he's long held controversial liberal positions. He has called himself "very pro-choice," has previously supported banning popular guns, advocates for government-funded universal health care, said he's a "big fan" of the United Nations, hires illegal labor for his construction jobs, and defends importing cheap foreign labor to work at his country clubs. Donald even supported John Kerry over George W. Bush, and called for President Bush's impeachment.
Donald Trump is no Republican and he's certainly no conservative. His long record of contributing, helping, and electing liberal and corrupt Democrats should disqualify him as our party's nominee for the Presidency of the United States.
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Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - Democrat Donald: Trump Supports the Most Liberal New York Democrats Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/317180