Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Launches Radio Ad Targeting Mayor de Blasio in New York
HOUSTON, Texas - Today, the Cruz for President campaign launched a new radio ad, "Nerve," that will air in New York. The ad responds to recent attacks made by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and highlights Ted Cruz's commitment to ending soft anti-terror policies, de-funding sanctuary cities, and instructing the Justice Department to hold corrupt politicians accountable.
Radio: 60
ANNOUNCER: Here's Mayor de Blasio attacking Ted Cruz.
de BLASIO: I think Ted Cruz is out of touch with New York State and New York City.
ANNOUNCER: He's got a lot of nerve, de Blasio's socialist policies are tearing this city apart.
Murders were up last year. He treats cops like criminals and criminals like freedom fighters. De Blasio made New York a sanctuary city, rolling out the red carpet for illegals, and de Blasio ended stop and frisk even where terrorist suspects are known to congregate.
Now, he's meddling in the Republican primary campaigning against Cruz because when Cruz is President, de Blasio is done.
No more criminal coddling soft on terror policies, no more sanctuary cities and Cruz will instruct the Justice Department to hold corrupt politicians accountable. Maybe that's why de Blasio fears Ted Cruz. Send de Blasio a message, vote Cruz for President.
CRUZ: I'm Ted Cruz and I approve this message.
ANNOUNCER: Paid for by Cruz for President.
Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Launches Radio Ad Targeting Mayor de Blasio in New York Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/318393