Hillary Clinton released the following statement on the bipartisan vote in Missouri upholding Governor Jay Nixon's veto of a "right to work" law.
"I applaud the leadership of Governor Jay Nixon and the bipartisan group of legislators who successfully blocked a harmful 'right to work' law in Missouri.
"A number of states, bankrolled by powerful corporate interests, have passed these laws in recent years. Their name is misleading. Instead of respecting workers or protecting their rights, 'right to work' laws depress wages and benefits, undercut unions, and concentrate power in the hands of corporations and their allies. They're bad for workers, bad for the economy, and bad for America.
"Right-wing attacks on the labor movement are nothing new. But they are growing in number and intensity. I've been disturbed by repeated state-level attacks on basic protections that unions have fought hard for over the years, like a prevailing wage, union dues deductions, binding arbitration, and collective bargaining.
"In Missouri, lawmakers said enough is enough. And by doing that, they scored a victory for Missourians and workers everywhere.
"As President, I will stand up to anti-union leaders who try to make workers scapegoats in times of economic hardship. And I'll stand with all workers and lawmakers fighting for real workers' rights – like the right to organize, bargain collectively, be paid fairly and retire with dignity and security. When unions are strong, families are strong. And when families are strong, America is strong."
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton's Statement on Missouri Vote Blocking 'Right to Work' Law Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/318865