Days Before or After the First Day of Convention Vice-Presidential Nominees Were Selected

Democratic Party

Year date announced VP nominee convention dates # days
2024 August 6 Tim Walz August 19-22 13
2020 August 11 Kamala Harris August 17-20** 6
2016 July 22 Tim Kaine July 25-28 3
2012 incumbent Joseph Biden September 3-6 n/a
2008 August 23 Joseph Biden August 25-28 2
2004 July 6 John Edwards July 26-29 20
2000 August 8 Joseph Lieberman August 14-17 6
1996 incumbent Albert Gore, Jr. August 26-29 n/a
1992 July 9 Albert Gore, Jr. July 13-16 4
1988 July 13 Lloyd Bentsen July 18-21 5
1984 July 12 Geraldine Ferraro July 16-19 4
1980 incumbent Walter Mondale August 11-14 n/a
1976 July 15 Walter Mondale July 12-15 -3
1972 July 13 Thomas Eagleton* July 10-13 -3
1968 August 29 Edmund Muskie August 26-29 -3

* Thomas Eagleton withdrew on August 1, 1972 and was replaced by Sargent Shriver.
** The 2020 Democratic National Convention was originally scheduled for July 13-16 but was changed to August 17-20 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republican Party

Year date announced VP nominee convention dates # days
2024 July 15 J.D. Vance July 15-18 0
2020 incumbent Mike Pence August 24-27 n/a
2016 July 15 Mike Pence July 18-21 3
2012 August 11 Paul Ryan August 27-30 16
2008 August 29 Sarah Palin September 1-4 3
2004 incumbent Richard B. Cheney Aug 30-Sep 2 n/a
2000 July 25 Richard B. Cheney July 31-Aug 3 6
1996 August 11 Jack Kemp August 12-15 1
1992 incumbent Dan Quayle August 17-20 n/a
1988 August 17 Dan Quayle August 15-18 -2
1984 incumbent George Bush August 20-23 n/a
1980 July 17 George Bush July 14-17 -3
1976 August 19 Robert Dole August 16-19 -3
1972 incumbent Spiro Agnew August 21-23 n/a
1968 August 8 Spiro Agnew August 5-8 -3

Last Updated

August 6, 2024


Gerhard Peters. "Days Before or After the First Day of Convention Vice-Presidential Nominees Were Selected." The American Presidency Project. Ed. John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California. 1999-2024.

Media That Have Cited This Data:
The Wall Street Journal—"Sen. Tim Kaine Seen as Clinton's VP Pick" by Peter Nicholas and Laura Meckler, July 22, 2016.