Proclamation by Samuel S. Robison, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Military Governor of the Dominican Republic—Evacuation of the Dominican Republic
[Issued by Rear Admiral Samuel S. Robison, U.S.N., Military Governor of the Dominican Republic, on October 21, 1922.]
Whereas, the plan of evacuation of the territory of the Dominican Republic by the American forces of occupation tentatively agreed to in Washington, D.C., June 30, 1922, has now been formally agreed to by the Government of the United States and by a Commission composed of Monseigneur Doctor Adolfo A. Nouel; General Don Horatio Vasquez; Señor Don Federico Valasquez H.; Licenciado Don Elias Brache, Hijo; on behalf of the Dominican people, and has been officially published by the Commissioner of the President of the United States in the Dominican Republic, and
Whereas, the Government of the United States is convinced that a great majority of the Dominican people favors the execution of this plan of evacuation;
Now, therefore, I, Samuel S. Robison, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Military Governor of the Dominican Republic, acting under the authority and by direction of the Government of the United States, declare and announce to all concerned, in accordance with the provisions of Article I of the said plan of evacuation, that on October 21, 1922, there will be installed a provisional government of the Dominican Republic for the purpose of promulgating legislation to regulate the holding of elections, to provide for the reorganization of the provincial and municipal governments, and to enable the Dominican people to make such amendments to the Constitution as they may deem appropriate, and hold general elections without the intervention of military government; and this provisional government will order such further powers and duties as are specified in the plan of evacuation.
The provisional government of the Dominican Republic will assume, from the date, of its installation, administrative powers to carry out freely the aforesaid purposes; and the said provisional government, from that date, will alone be responsible for its acts. The provisional government, the members of which have been elected in accordance with the provisions of Article II of the plan of evacuation, will be constituted as follows:
(Here follows the list of the members of the provisional government with the office held by each.)
Upon taking office, the Provisional President and the members of his cabinet will take the following oath of office, agreed upon by the members of the Commission by whom they were elected, before the Supreme Court of Justice:
I do solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter; that I will enforce the plan of evacuation agreed upon June 30, 1922; that I will abide by the regulations and conditions placed upon the exercise of the provisional government by the Commission which agreed to the plan of evacuation; that I will do all within my power to further the re-establishment of constitutional normality and the restoration of a constitutional government; and that I will obey and cause to be obeyed the laws of the Republic; so help me God.
Warren G. Harding, Proclamation by Samuel S. Robison, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Military Governor of the Dominican Republic—Evacuation of the Dominican Republic Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/329328