Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Wants to Bring Prosperity to the Palestinian People and Across the Middle East
PEACE TO PROSPERITY: The Trump Administration is launching a new approach, Peace to Prosperity, which will help build a better future for the Palestinian people and the region.
- The Trump Administration's Peace to Prosperity approach centers on three pillars: the Palestinian economy, people, and government. This includes initiatives that aim to:
- Unleash Palestinian economic potential
- Empower the Palestinian people
- Enhance Palestinian governance
- Peace to Prosperity is the most comprehensive international effort for the Palestinian people to date and has the potential to achieve incredible results, including:
- Facilitating more than $50 billion in investment over 10 years
- More than doubling Palestinian gross domestic product
- Creating over one million Palestinian jobs
- Lowering the Palestinian unemployment rate to nearly single digits
- Reducing the Palestinian poverty rate by 50 percent
EMBRACING A NEW APPROACH: The Trump Administration is undertaking a new approach after decades of past attempts have failed to truly succeed in helping the Palestinian people.
- The Trump Administration's approach is ambitious but achievable, helping the Palestinian people build a future of prosperity, dignity, and opportunity for themselves and generations to come.
- Peace to Prosperity will help the Palestinians and the region fulfill their economic potential.
- Peace to Prosperity will create a new model of economic growth and investment that breaks with the old model of donor dependency.
- The old approach has centered on enormous amounts of donor aid, which has ultimately not improved the lives of the Palestinian people.
- The Palestinian leadership has resisted a new approach because they fear this stream of foreign aid will dry up.
- Peace to Prosperity and the economic workshop in Bahrain demonstrate that the world will not turn away if they embrace a new vision.
UNLEASHING ECONOMIC POTENTIAL: Peace to Prosperity will create an environment that fosters private sector growth and creates more opportunity for the Palestinian people.
- Peace to Prosperity will generate billions of dollars in new investment in the private sector, enabling business to create more high-quality jobs.
- These investments will help support entrepreneurs and small businesses, as well as drive growth in key sectors like tourism, agriculture, housing, and manufacturing.
- The Trump Administration aims to increase trade among Palestinians and countries in the region, ultimately boosting the economies of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon as well.
- The West Bank and Gaza will benefit from major investments in areas like transportation and infrastructure.
- These investments will increase Palestinian exports and reduce the complications of transport and travel.
- Peace to Prosperity will facilitate billions of dollars in investment to construct essential infrastructure, like electricity, water, and telecommunications.
EMPOWERING THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: Peace to Prosperity will empower the Palestinian people and help lead to a better quality of life.
- The Trump Administration's approach will help offer the Palestinian people access to better education, workforce training, and healthcare.
- Peace to Prosperity will strengthen the Palestinian education system by focusing on improving educational access, quality, and affordability.
- Educational programs will be better aligned with the skills needed to succeed in the workplace.
- While Palestinians often have high levels of education and literacy, they also have a high unemployment rate.
- Peace to Prosperity will strengthen workforce development programs to help Palestinians gain access to quality, high-paying jobs in the private sector.
- This approach includes a comprehensive strategy to boost employment for Palestinian youth and women.
- Palestinians will have increased opportunities in STEM education, technical and vocational training, and research and development partnerships.
- Workers who are already employed will receive the training they need to enhance their skills or change careers.
- The Palestinian healthcare sector will be transformed to dramatically improve care.
- Palestinian hospitals will gain access to necessary supplies, medicines, vaccines, and equipment to ensure they can provide quality care.
- Greater use of mobile and neighborhood clinics will improve healthcare access throughout the West Bank and Gaza.
ENHANCING PALESTINIAN GOVERNANCE: Peace to Prosperity will improve Palestinian governance to attract more business investment and promote long-term growth.
- Peace to Prosperity builds a foundation for growth by promoting property rights, guarding against corruption, improving credit access, and ensuring functioning capital markets.
- Adopting this framework will provide certainty and predictability for investors, leading to more growth, job creation, and foreign investment.
- Peace to Prosperity will build up Palestinian institutions in order to strengthen the rule of law, promote judicial independence, and enhance government responsiveness.
- The Palestinian government should improve operations by implementing a budgeting and tax plan that promotes fiscal sustainability.
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Fact Sheet - President Donald J. Trump Wants to Bring Prosperity to the Palestinian People and Across the Middle East Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/334266