Photo of Donald Trump

White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Continued Support for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination to the Supreme Court

July 10, 2018


Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK): "I've had the pleasure of knowing Judge Brett Kavanaugh for some time – dating back to when we worked together in the Bush administration. He is very well regarded as a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals – the second most important court in the country."

Sen. Richard Shelby (AL): ".@POTUS's #SCOTUSPick is an excellent choice. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has impressive credentials, and I look forward to meeting with him to further consider his qualifications & commitment to upholding our Constitution as it is written."

Sen. John McCain (AZ): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials & a strong record of upholding the Constitution. He is widely respected as a fair, independent & mainstream judge. I look forward to the Senate moving forward with a fair & thorough confirmation process."

Sen. Marco Rubio (FL): "Brett Kavanaugh is a qualified, mainstream jurist who possesses the right temperament and experience for the position, and I'm pleased to see his nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court."

Sen. Johnny Isakson (GA): "Judge Kavanaugh is a talented & experienced jurist, and he shares a strong commitment to the Constitution & the rule of law. I look forward to ensuring that this highly qualified candidate is voted on by the Senate in time for the Court's next session."

Sen. Joni Ernst (IA): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a highly-qualified, well-respected justice committed to the rule of law."

Sen. Jerry Moran (KS): "As a former Supreme Court clerk for Justice Kennedy and current Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals since 2006, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a well-qualified nominee with extensive experience in the legal field."

Sen. Roy Blunt (MO): "Judge Kavanaugh is a highly-qualified nominee with an outstanding legal background."

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS): "Judge Kavanaugh is a well-qualified conservative jurist, and I commend President Trump for his commitment to naming Supreme Court justices who are committed to the rule of law."

Sen. Richard Burr (NC): "In nominating Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, President Trump has put forth a highly qualified and respected candidate committed to the rule of law. Judge Kavanaugh's credentials are impeccable, and as a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit he has considered many of the most pressing legal questions of our time."

Sen. Ben Sasse (NE): "Brett Kavanaugh is a serious jurist known for careful deliberation."

Sen. John Hoeven (ND): "Judge Kavanaugh's record shows a deep respect for and strict interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout his judicial career, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a strong commitment to upholding the law, rather than legislating from the bench."

Sen. Dean Heller (NV): "Judge Kavanaugh has a record of adherence to the Constitution and has demonstrated a commitment to interpreting the law – not making it."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC): "Brett #Kavanaugh will be an outstanding Justice on the Supreme Court. I also want to congratulate President @realDonaldTrump on this great choice. What a great night for the American people!"

Sen. Tim Scott (SC): "Now, more than ever, we need a Supreme Court Justice that will uphold free speech, religious liberty, and the rights given by the Constitution. Judge Kavanaugh has an impressive resume, and I look forward to meeting him and learning more about him through the confirmation process."

Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN): "The president has nominated a well-qualified jurist."

Sen. Ted Cruz (TX): "By any measure, Judge Kavanaugh is one of the most respected federal judges in the country and I look forward to supporting his nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States."

Sen. Ron Johnson (WI): "A Supreme Court justice ought to be a judge, not a superlegislator – applying the Constitution as written, not altering it to reach a result. President Trump nominated a person who fit that description in Justice Neil Gorsuch last year, and to my understanding Judge Brett Kavanaugh fits it as well."

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (WV): "Throughout his service, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a strong commitment to the rule of law and to carefully considering the text and history of the Constitution, making him an ideal choice to be the next Supreme Court justice... I think President Trump made an excellent choice in nominating Judge Kavanaugh."

Former President George W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush: "President Trump has made an outstanding decision in nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Brett is a brilliant jurist who has faithfully applied the Constitution and laws throughout his 12 years on the D.C. Circuit."

Members of the House

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA): "At every stage in his career, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated excellence that is worthy of the highest court in the land."

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (VA): "With @POTUS' nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the #SCOTUS, he has chosen an individual w/ a distinguished career on the federal bench who has proven that he respects the Constitution's place in our system of government. I urge the Senate to act swiftly on this nomination."

Rep. Mo Brooks (AL): "President Trump made an excellent choice when he nominated Neil Gorsuch, and he has repeated his standard of excellence by nominating Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court."

Rep. Bradley Byrne (AL): "As a fair legal mind, defender of the Constitution, and a judge on the D.C. Circuit, Brett Kavanaugh is prepared for a seat on the Supreme Court. I support President Trump's nominee, and I hope the Senate will move expeditiously to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, a high quality and uniquely qualified nominee."

Rep. Martha Roby (AL): "This is truly a historic moment in our nation. I applaud POTUS' decision to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh is a conservative, experienced jurist who I believe will be a strict constitutionalist on the bench."

Rep. Steve Womack (AR): "Tonight, @POTUS nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. I am confident he will continue to remain dedicated to conservative, constitutional values from the bench of this nation's highest court."

Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ): "I'm pleased President Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the #SupremeCourt. He has a history of upholding the Constitution & the rule of law."

Rep. Darrell Issa (CA): "Brett Kavanaugh is an exemplary choice for the United States Supreme Court. I am more than confident @realDonaldTrump chose the right person to replace Justice Kennedy. I call on my colleagues in the Senate to confirm him as expeditiously as possible."

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA): "Brett Kavanaugh has established a track record of fighting regulatory overreach on the D.C. Court of Appeals since 2006, and he would bring those same values to the Supreme Court."

Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO): "In Judge Kavanaugh's career and professional experience, he has faithfully interpreted the Constitution and emphasized limited government. His conservative record is impressive, and I think President Trump made a great choice."

Rep. Neal Dunn (FL): "In announcing Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the Supreme Court, President Trump has taken another tangible step to secure the Constitution and ensure that the people of the United States remain preeminent, not the government."

Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL): "I commend President Trump for his selection of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He is an excellent jurist, with a deep and abiding reverence for the Constitution. I have no doubt that, when confirmed, Justice Kavanaugh will serve America's highest court with honor and integrity."

Rep. Karen Handel (GA): "President Trump made an outstanding conservative pick in Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He brings the legal acumen, bench experience, temperament, and will serve with jurisprudence while resurrecting the Constitution."

Rep. Austin Scott (GA): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be an exceptional addition to the nation's highest court. He has a reputation for respecting the Constitution & the rule of law, & I am confident he will serve with distinction."

Rep. Clay Higgins (LA): "Judge Kavanaugh is an excellent choice. President Trump has again nominated a proven conservative Constitutionalist to the Supreme Court."

Rep. Darin LaHood (IL): "The President's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court reaffirms that our Constitution will be strongly upheld within our nation's highest court."

Rep. Rodney Davis (IL): "Congratulations to Judge Brett Kavanaugh on being nominated to serve on the Supreme Court. He is an extremely qualified candidate who should be considered based on merit, not politics."

Rep. Jim Banks (IN): "Brett Kavanaugh will uphold our Constitution, defend the right to life and respect religious liberty. I urge my Senate colleagues to swiftly confirm his nomination."

Rep. Todd Rokita (IN): "I will fight alongside President Trump to ensure we secure Judge Kavanaugh as our next Supreme Court Justice and I am certain that he will strictly follow our Constitution and be a great asset to our Nation on the bench."

Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN): "President Trump made an excellent choice. Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials and a strong record of defending the Constitution. I have no doubt he will continue to uphold the rule of law and respect the sanctity of life as a justice of the Supreme Court."

Rep. Andy Harris (MD): "Judge Kavanaugh is a fine choice to fill Justice Kennedy's seat on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh is a brilliant legal mind, and is well suited to follow in the footsteps of Justice Kennedy, for whom he previously clerked."

Rep. Bruce Poliquin (ME): "Brett Kavanaugh has an impressive tenure of service, as a jurist and as a clerk at the Supreme Court."

Rep. Paul Mitchell (MI): "President Trump made a great choice in his selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee for the Supreme Court. I am confident that as a rule of law justice he will be a strong replacement for Justice Kennedy."

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO): "Just as he did with the selection of Neil Gorsuch, President Trump has made an excellent decision in nominating Brett Kavanaugh."

Rep. Jason Smith (MO): "Judge Kavanaugh strikes me as an extremely qualified man of character who will interpret the Constitution as written. One of the most important decisions a president will ever make is who to nominate to #SCOTUS, and every indication is @realDonaldTrump made a great choice."

Rep. Ann Wagner (MO): "I applaud @POTUS' nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the #SCOTUS. Kavanaugh is a thought leader amongst his peers with impeccable credentials who deserves a fair and swift confirmation hearing in the U.S. Senate."

Rep. Greg Gianforte (MT): "President Trump has again nominated a constitutional conservative who will interpret our laws, not make laws from the bench. Given his background and record, I am confident Judge Kavanaugh will make an extraordinary justice who will adhere to America's constitutional principles and protect our freedoms."

Rep. Ted Budd (NC): "The selection of Brett Kavanaugh shows once again that the president is keeping his promise to put a serious constitutionalist on the court, beginning with Neil Gorsuch."

Rep. Mark Meadows (NC): "The hallmark of a Constitutional judge is one who evaluates the law as it is--not as they believe the law ought to be. Tonight is a victory for America--because for the second time, @POTUS has delivered a champion of this principle with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh."

Rep. Don Bacon (NE): "Judge Kavanaugh's credentials are impeccable and he has a proven track record of applying the law as written, as well as enforcing the text, structure, and original understanding of the Constitution, and as amended."

Rep. Warren Davidson (OH): "President Trump promised to appoint someone with a deep reverence for the Constitution who defends the founding principles that made America great. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has earned widespread respect and now @POTUS nomination."

Rep. Keith Rothfus (PA): "We need jurists who will interpret and uphold the Constitution as written instead of legislating from the bench. The law must also be applied equally regardless of personal opinion or political persuasion. Judge Brett Kavanaugh understands this."

Rep. Diane Black (TN): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh has devoted his career to public service and protecting life - an outstanding choice by @realDonaldTrump!"

Rep. David Kustoff (TN): "I am very pleased to hear of @realDonaldTrump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh will be a great, conservative addition to the bench, and I urge the Senate's swift confirmation."

Rep. Phil Roe (TN): "Brett Kavanaugh appears to be a judge who believes in limited government, as our Founding Fathers intended... I thank President Trump for his commitment to nominating a principled judge, and I look forward to seeing a decisive confirmation process in the Senate."

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX): "President Trump made a very strong choice in Judge Brett Kavanaugh, another qualified conservative voice like Judge Gorsuch, for the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh is a well-respected, pro-life justice that believes in the rule of law and upholding the constitution."

Rep. Michael McCaul (TX): "I support @POTUS's selection of Brett Kavanaugh to be nominated to the Supreme Court. I urge the Senate to swiftly approve this qualified candidate."

Rep. Pete Olson (TX): "I am pleased President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to take over Justice Kennedy's seat on the Supreme Court. He has an outstanding reputation for respecting the Constitution and the rule of law. Judge Kavanaugh will be an exceptional addition to the Supreme Court. I encourage the Senate to act quickly to confirm him."

Rep. Pete Sessions (TX): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a proven public servant and brilliant legal mind, and I have no doubt he will continue to uphold the rule of law as a member of the U.S. Supreme Court."

Rep. Lamar Smith (TX): "With his pick of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump named a very qualified and distinguished jurist."

Rep. Randy Weber (TX): "A fantastic choice. Judge Kavanaugh is extremely well-qualified. Wishing him the best as he begins the confirmation process."

Rep. Rob Wittman (VA): "Fantastic pick by @POTUS tonight! Thrilled to see the President nominate a judge who has a proven record of protecting our inalienable rights, upholding the rule of law, and adhering to the Constitution's original intent. I hope to see the Senate swiftly confirm Judge Kavanaugh."

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA): "I applaud and support President Trump's decision to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States."

Rep. Sean Duffy (WI): ".@POTUS is right: 'the rule of law is a cornerstone of our freedom.' He first found a Supreme Court Justice in Neil Gorsuch who believes just that, and Judge Brett Kavanaugh shows thus far that he holds that same sacred view."

Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI): "Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding #SCOTUS pick. He's a highly respected jurist who holds the right judicial philosophy of stating what the law is, not what he thinks it should be."

State and Territory Officials

Gov. Kay Ivey (AL): "I applaud President Trump for his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh clearly understands the proper role of a judge is to interpret the law as it is written and apply the law impartially."

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (AR): "I like President Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. He is highly qualified & has demonstrated his dedication to the rule of law through his service on the DC Circuit. I am hopeful for his timely confirmation."

Gov. Doug Ducey (AZ): "I want to offer my congratulations to Judge Brett Kavanaugh for being nominated by @realdonaldtrump to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. We're counting on Judge Kavanaugh to get a fair and speedy hearing by the U.S. Senate."

Gov. Eddie Baza Calvo (Guam): "On behalf of the people of Guam, Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio and I support President Donald J. Trump's nomination of federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh's experience and success in his duties make him a prime candidate for this prestigious position on the Supreme Court. We look forward to his approval by Congress and wish him the best during his nomination process."

Gov. Kim Reynolds (IA): "A great pick by @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. Judge Kavanaugh is a highly respected jurist who will apply laws as written, not as he would write them. A great day for America, for our constitutional tradition & for the rule of law."

Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter (ID): "In Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump has a SCOTUS nominee committed to upholding the Constitution, federalism, the rule of law and the proper role of government."

Gov. Bruce Rauner (IL): "Our nation deserves a justice who is qualified, experienced, and will faithfully interpret and defend the Constitution. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has impressive credentials and he deserves a fair hearing and swift vote on his nomination."

Gov. Eric Holcomb (IN): "Congratulations to Judge Brett Kavanaugh for his nomination to the #SCOTUS. The President has nominated a strong candidate who will uphold the Constitution & be a great addition to the court."

Gov. Jeff Colyer (KS): "I could not be more thrilled that President Trump has selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court. For the first time in a long time we will have a majority of constitutional conservatives on the Supreme Court, who will defend liberty and adhere to the constitution as written. The Senate should move quickly to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to fill Justice Kennedy's seat."

Gov. Paul LePage (ME): "Thank you @realDonaldTrump for your thoughtful appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to @Scotus to replace Justice Kennedy."

Gov. Mike Parson (MO): "Thanks to @realDonaldTrump, America is one step closer to a Supreme Court that reflects our values. The senate should move swiftly to confirm Judge Kavanaugh."

Gov. Phil Bryant (MS): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is committed to the rule of law and will uphold the Constitution. @realDonaldTrump made an outstanding selection who deserves swift confirmation by the Senate."

Gov. Doug Burgum (ND): "In Judge Brett Kavanaugh, @POTUS has nominated an eminently qualified, highly respected jurist who will fairly and faithfully interpret the law and Constitution as written. Here's hoping for a speedy Senate confirmation process."

Gov. Pete Ricketts (NE): "Thank you to @POTUS for nominating Judge Kavanaugh — a jurist with a proven record of respecting the Constitution."

Gov. Henry McMaster (SC): "I have no doubt that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will make an outstanding Justice of the Supreme Court and will strictly defend the rule of law. President Trump promised to nominate conservative judges who will strictly follow the Constitution and exercise restraint rather than activism, and once again he has done just that."

Gov. Bill Haslam (TN): "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is an exceptional choice by President Donald Trump for the Supreme Court, and if confirmed, will uphold the Constitution and defend the rule of law. Judge Kavanaugh is uniquely qualified to serve on the Supreme Court, and his record shows that he will apply the law as written and enforce the original understanding of the Constitution. We congratulate Judge Kavanaugh on his nomination and look forward to his swift confirmation."

Gov. Greg Abbott (TX): "#SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh gets prolonged & robust applause from Senators on his announcement. This bodes well for the strength of support he should get for confirmation. Kavanaugh brings substantial credentials to @Scotus."

Gov. Scott Walker (WI): "Brett Kavanaugh is an excellent nominee to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court."

Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin (AR): "President @realDonaldTrump made an outstanding pick of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the #SCOTUS. He is one of the brightest legal minds in the U.S., has a stellar reputation and understands the proper role of the judiciary under our Constitution."

Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg (IA): "Another outstanding SCOTUS pick by the President. Among the most important decisions a president can make."

Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor (OH): "President @realDonaldTrump has made a wise choice for his SCOTUS nominee. Judge Kavanaugh's history as a defender of religious liberty and a crusader for regulatory reform is impressive. Americans deserve to be protected from government overreach and I urge a quick confirmation."

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (AR): "Once again, President Donald Trump has appointed one of the country's top legal minds to serve on the nation's highest court."

Attorney General Mark Brnovich (AZ): "We need judges who will interpret the law and not make policy from the bench. The courts have become too politicized. Kavanaugh is an excellent choice who will say what the law is, not what he wants it to be."

Attorney General Chris Carr (GA): "I commend @POTUS for nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a well-respected jurist with a proven record of faithfully interpreting the rule of law. I congratulate Judge Kavanaugh and his family and hope for a quick confirmation by the Senate."

Attorney General Mike DeWine (OH): "President Trump has nominated an outstanding candidate in Judge Brett Kavanaugh for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. We need justices like Judge Kavanaugh who will interpret the law through the meaning of the written U.S. Constitution and not legislate from the bench."

Attorney General Jeff Landry (LA): "President Trump promised to nominate conservative judges who will strictly follow the Constitution and exercise restraint rather than activism, and once again he has done just that."

Attorney General Bill Schuette (MI): "What a great decision by President Trump in nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the United States Supreme Court. He is a rule of law, experienced judge who is smart and respects the Constitution – as written."

Attorney General Josh Hawley (MO): "Judge Kavanaugh is a remarkably qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. I have full confidence he will uphold the Constitution as the people wrote it, not impose his values from the bench. And that's what the people deserve. The balance of the court turns on this nomination and I applaud the President for his thoughtfulness on this decision."

Attorney General Tim Fox (MT): "President Trump made an excellent decision. Judge Kavanaugh is a brilliant jurist with a proven record of objectively interpreting laws and the Constitution. I urge the United States Senate to give this nomination adequate consideration, followed by swift confirmation."

Attorney General Adam Laxalt (NV): "I applaud the President's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on our Nation's highest court. Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the rule of law in reading the constitution according to its original meaning, rather than reinterpreting our constitution according to his own personal preferences."

Attorney General Alan Wilson (SC): "Proud of @realDonaldTrump 4 nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Great choice! I have appeared before him & he will be a great Sup Ct Justice"

Attorney General Herbert Slatery (TN): "I applaud President Trump for again keeping his promise to select a Supreme Court Justice with exemplary credentials-- conservative, very smart, and one who has an unwavering respect for our Constitution as it is written."

Attorney General Ken Paxton (TX): "Brett Kavanaugh is an extraordinarily well-qualified Supreme Court nominee, in the mold of Justice Gorsuch, President Trump's superb first pick for the high court. Judge Kavanaugh has distinguished himself as one of the nation's leading constitutional scholars."

Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (WV): "President Donald Trump continues to fulfill the promises he made to the American people by nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh is a firm defender of the Constitution and is a highly-qualified jurist with impeccable credentials."

Attorney General Sean Reyes (UT): "I applaud President Trump for nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States."

Policy and Advocacy Organizations

60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin: "President Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is the latest example of how this president continues keeping the promises he made to the American people... Brett Kavanaugh has an outstanding record of well-reasoned, tempered decisions from the bench and will continue to be an outstanding jurist on the Supreme Court. I have every confidence that Judge Kavanaugh will be true to the president's goal of ensuring that the high court bases its decisions on the Constitution, not judicial activism."

CATO Institute Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies Ilya Shapiro: "Brett Kavanaugh is a strong pick for the Supreme Court. In his 12 years on the D.C. Circuit, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a devotion to legal text and constitutional principle."

Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance: "President Trump made a promise to the American people and, just as with the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch, he is delivering on that promise. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is abundantly qualified to sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. He is among the best and brightest jurists on the appellate courts with a reputation of being fair and impartial in his decisions."

Club for Growth President David McIntosh: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a superbly qualified choice with a proven commitment to conservative constitutional jurisprudence. President Trump has demonstrated his commitment to economic conservatism and the Constitution with his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh today, just as he did last year with his nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch."

Ethics and Public Policy Center President Ed Whelan: "Congratulations to President Trump on his decision to nominate D.C. Circuit judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I very much look forward to Justice Kavanaugh."

Ethics and Public Policy Center Senior Fellow Peter Wehner: "Brett Kavanaugh, a former White House colleague, is a spectacular pick, a man of tremendous intellectual and moral integrity. He'll be a tremendous Supreme Court Justice."

Faith & Freedom Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed: "Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding and eminently qualified legal mind who will apply the law as written—not legislate from the bench—and who respects the Constitution and the rule of law."

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins: "President Trump promised a constitutionalist – someone who will call balls and strikes according to the Constitution. Judge Kavanaugh has a long & praiseworthy history of judging as an originalist. We look forward to having a justice with his philosophical approach on the Court."

First Liberty Institute President and CEO Kelly Shackelford: "Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated in his time on the bench a deep respect for the proper role of the judiciary. His opinions have consistently adhered to our founding principles that government exists to protect the God-given rights of the people and the Constitution exists to prevent government from infringing on those rights."

Freedom Partners Executive Vice President Nathan Nascimento: "President Trump has again delivered on his promise to nominate a Supreme Court justice who will interpret the law, uphold the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, and refrain from legislating from the bench. Judge Kavanaugh will make an exceptional justice, carrying with him excellent qualifications and the judicial restraint worthy of our nation's highest court."

FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon: "Judge Kavanaugh is a fantastic choice to succeed former Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has proven to be a staunch conservative who has relied on originalism and textualism while serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit."

Heritage Action Executive Director Tim Chapman: "I applaud President Trump for fulfilling yet another campaign promise to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the mold of Justices Scalia and Gorsuch who will impartially uphold the law and the Constitution as written. Brett Kavanaugh is a judge who will, based on his record, not legislate from the bench, but instead faithfully interpret the law, honor the separation of powers, and uphold and protect individual rights spelled out in the Constitution."

Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is known for many things – and fairness, impartiality, and faithfulness to the Constitution are chief among them ... Judge Kavanaugh will make an outstanding associate justice on the Supreme Court. I applaud the president on his choice and am grateful that he clearly understands the importance of fairness, impartiality, and faithfulness to the Constitution."

Heritage Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III: "With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, President Trump has chosen a man who will be another great justice. Brett Kavanaugh follows the same pattern as Neil Gorsuch, a fair and independent jurist who will faithfully apply the law as written and honor the Constitution. The American people deserve a swift confirmation by the U.S. Senate so Brett Kavanaugh can take his seat on the high court when it reconvenes for the fall term in early October."

Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Mike Gonzalez: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh is so the right choice. Unassailable."

Independent Women's Forum Legal Fellow Erin Hawley: "By nominating D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump has fulfilled his pledge to put forward a judge who has demonstrated his commitment to the Constitution. A former law clerk to Justice Kennedy, whom he would replace, Judge Kavanaugh could not be more qualified."

Independent Women's Voice President and CEO Heather Higgins: "Trump goes for impeccable credentials in nominating Kavanaugh."

Jewish Coalition For Religious Liberty's General Counsel Howard Slugh: "As an organization devoted to protecting people's ability to follow the tenets of their faith without interference from the government, JCRL welcomes this nomination and is confident that Judge Kavanaugh's dedication to a consistent application of the original public meaning of both the Free Exercise and Establishment clauses will continue to secure this liberty for future generations."

National Federation of Independent Business President and CEO Juanita Duggan: "Judge Kavanaugh has a proven record of interpreting the U.S. Constitution according to its original meaning and has ruled consistently against regulatory agencies whose interpretation of the law exceeds its statutory authority ... Every small business owner has a stake in the next Supreme Court Justice, and we support the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh."

National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez: "I join millions of Americans in congratulating Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his nomination to the Supreme Court, a well-respected jurist widely regarded for his intellect, temperament, as well as for his dedication to the Constitution. While certainly conservative, Judge Kavanaugh is well within the mainstream of American legal thought and theory."

National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Chris Cox: "President Trump has made another outstanding choice in nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court. He has an impressive record that demonstrates his strong support for the Second Amendment."

Republican Jewish Coalition: "Congratulations to Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family. @POTUS made another great pick. We look forward to his confirmation!"

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council President and CEO Karen Kerrigan: "Judge Kavanaugh's opinions have recognized the limits that the constitution and law place on the federal administrative state, and this is the type of judicial philosophy that will help to sustain liberty and economic freedom. Judge Kavanaugh is an impressive, mainstream selection that all members of the U.S. Senate should get behind and support."

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh will bring balance to the court in background and in judicial temperament. [Kavanaugh's] record of respect for the law is vital as so many activists attempt to use the courts to push their own social agendas ... This is no surprise selection. President Trump's list of potential nominees has been available for all to examine, and in choosing Brett Kavanaugh, he is keeping a promise to the American people."

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser: "President Trump has made another outstanding choice in nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, keeping his promise to nominate only originalist judges to the Court."

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo: "We are excited that President Trump has chosen an eminently qualified Supreme Court nominee like Judge Kavanaugh who has an extensive and respectable record. He has already been confirmed by the U.S. Senate for his appointment to the DC Court of Appeals, and he should receive a bipartisan vote from the Senate now."

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin: "President Trump has once again fulfilled his promise to nominate a fair and independent Supreme Court Justice who will honor the Constitution and the rule of law. Judge Kavanaugh has a stellar record as an originalist, and has proven to be a strong defender of the Second Amendment and freedom of speech and religion."

Media Commentary

Axios' Sam Baker: "He's gonna get confirmed."

CBS Chief Legal Correspondent Jan Crawford: "He is a former law clerk for Justice Kennedy and he's considered a conservative intellectual powerhouse. His nomination could give Republicans a chance to change the direction of the Court for years to come."

NBC's Chuck Todd: "I think this is a pick that is a very confirmable pick."

The New Republic's Matt Ford: "Kavanaugh will fulfill the decades-old goal of a reliable conservative SCOTUS majority."

NPR Legal Affairs Correspondent Nina Totenberg: "He is ... an enormously skilled and very conservative jurist who as far as I can tell gets along with his colleagues very well."

USA Today's Richard Wolf: "On paper, Brett Michael Kavanaugh may be the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in generations."

The Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson: "This is a truly excellent choice by the President. I know Brett Kavanaugh to be a man of character, decency and intellectual depth. He has the mind and temperament of a great Supreme Court justice."

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Continued Support for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination to the Supreme Court Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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