Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of April 22, 2018

April 22, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 8 times on April 22, 2018
Created: Tweets:
April 22, 2018
'GOP Lawmakers asking Sessions to Investigate Comey and Hillary Clinton.' @FoxNews Good luck with that request!
Retweets: 20686
Favorites: 88624
April 22, 2018
Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea and they have given up nothing. Wow we haven't given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World) site closure & no more testing!
Retweets: 25871
Favorites: 102315
April 22, 2018
....We are a long way from conclusion on North Korea maybe things will work out and maybe they won't - only time will tell....But the work I am doing now should have been done a long time ago!
Retweets: 22150
Favorites: 106161
April 22, 2018
'I can die happy now with Trump Job performance' stated Mary Matalin. 'A great overall President stunning!' Thank you Mary.
Retweets: 16995
Favorites: 91081
April 22, 2018
A complete Witch Hunt!
Retweets: 20160
Favorites: 96490
April 22, 2018
Funny how all of the Pundits that couldn't come close to making a deal on North Korea are now all over the place telling me how to make a deal!
Retweets: 28474
Favorites: 121404
April 22, 2018
Kim Strassel of the WSJ just said after reviewing the dumb Comey Memos 'you got to ask what was the purpose of the Special Counsel? There's no there there.' Dan Henninger of the WSJ said Memos would show that this would be one of the weakest obstruction cases ever brought!
Retweets: 24359
Favorites: 95011
April 22, 2018
Thank you to the incredible Law Enforcement Officers from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. They keep us safe and are very cool about it!
Retweets: 17457
Favorites: 94385
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of April 22, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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