Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 13 times on January 22, 2019
Created: Tweets:
January 22, 2019
Looking like Nick Sandman & Covington Catholic students were treated unfairly with early judgements proving out to be false - smeared by media. Not good but making big comeback! 'New footage shows that media was wrong about teen's encounter with Native American' @TuckerCarlson
Retweets: 43866
Favorites: 166276
January 22, 2019
RT @KayaJones: I want to show other celebrities who voted for @realDonaldTrump it's ok to come forward. Better yet let's show the world how'
Retweets: 41631
Favorites: 0
January 22, 2019
Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world and I know they will use it for the good - maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant but can end in a dream!
Retweets: 38014
Favorites: 162047
January 22, 2019
'The Democrats are playing politics with Border Security.' @foxandfriends
Retweets: 16540
Favorites: 78953
January 22, 2019
Without a Wall our Country can never have Border or National Security. With a powerful Wall or Steel Barrier Crime Rates (and Drugs) will go substantially down all over the U.S. The Dems know this but want to play political games. Must finally be done correctly. No Cave!
Retweets: 24644
Favorites: 106491
January 22, 2019
FBI top lawyer confirms 'unusual steps.' They relied on the Clinton Campaign's Fake & Unverified 'Dossier' which is illegal. 'That has corrupted them. That has enabled them to gather evidence by UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS and that's what they did to the President.' Judge Napolitano
Retweets: 25856
Favorites: 100625
January 22, 2019
Marist/NPR/PBS Poll shows President Trump's approval rating among Latinos going to 50% an increase in one year of 19%. Thank you working hard!
Retweets: 21174
Favorites: 95381
January 22, 2019
Never seen @senatemajldr and Republicans so united on an issue as they are on the Humanitarian Crisis & Security on our Southern Border. If we create a Wall or Barrier which prevents Criminals and Drugs from flowing into our Country Crime will go down by record numbers!
Retweets: 19978
Favorites: 90789
January 22, 2019
Last time I went to Davos the Fake News said I should not go there. This year because of the Shutdown I decided not to go and the Fake News said I should be there. The fact is that the people understand the media better than the media understands them!
Retweets: 25585
Favorites: 109108
January 22, 2019
The United States has a great economic story to tell. Number one in the World by far!
Retweets: 20420
Favorites: 106656
January 22, 2019
The reason Sarah Sanders does not go to the 'podium' much anymore is that the press covers her so rudely & inaccurately in particular certain members of the press. I told her not to bother the word gets out anyway! Most will never cover us fairly & hence the term Fake News!
Retweets: 39118
Favorites: 171367
January 22, 2019
Former FBI top lawyer James Baker just admitted involvement in FISA Warrant and further admitted there were IRREGULARITIES in the way the Russia probe was handled. They relied heavily on the unverified Trump 'Dossier' paid for by the DNC & Clinton Campaign & funded through a...
Retweets: 30609
Favorites: 105700
January 22, 2019
...big Crooked Hillary law firm represented by her lawyer Michael Sussmann (do you believe this?) who worked Baker hard & gave him Oppo Research for 'a Russia probe.' This meeting now exposed is the subject of Senate inquiries and much more. An Unconstitutional Hoax. @FoxNews
Retweets: 30691
Favorites: 117932
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of January 22, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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