Photo of Donald Trump

White House Press Release - These 30 Days: How You Can Help

April 02, 2020

This story first appeared in 1600 Daily, the White House's evening newsletter. Subscribe now to get breaking news from President Trump before anyone else.

President Trump announced updated guidelines this week to continue slowing the spread of Coronavirus in America. This 30-day window will be crucial: If every American does his or her part, the latest model suggests we could save 1 million or more U.S. lives.

Surgeon General: Why these next 30 days matter

"We're attacking the virus on every front with social distancing, economic support for our workers, rapid medical intervention""and very serious innovation""and banning dangerous foreign travel that threatens the health of our people,"? President Trump said yesterday. The Administration's response began in January.

"Together, we have the power to save countless lives."?

Developed by public health experts on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, these guidelines remain essential for containing the virus and protecting the most vulnerable among us:

  • Listen and follow all directions from your state and local authorities.
  • Avoid social gatherings, especially those with more than 10 people.
  • Practice strict personal hygiene. Wash your hands and avoid touching your face. Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow.
  • Use pickup or delivery options instead of eating at restaurants or bars.
  • Work from home if at all possible. Do not go to work if you feel sick.
  • If someone in your household tests positive for Coronavirus, keep the entire family at home and contact your medical provider.

If every American follows these guidelines, our country will be well on track to manage this outbreak and ultimately defeat this virus once and for all.

"In this time of need, I know that every American will do their patriotic duty and help us to achieve a total victory,"? President Trump says.

30 days to slow the spread: How to protect yourself and others

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), White House Press Release - These 30 Days: How You Can Help Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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