Remarks in Canyon City, Colorado

May 08, 1905

It is a great pleasure to greet you here. I cannot say how glad I am to see you all, men and women of Colorado, and greet especially the veterans and the school children, and say how pleased I am to go through your state and see its resources, not only your mines, your fruit, all its products, but I want to say you have got a wonderful asset in your scenery, in the natural beauties of this state.

Passing through your wonderful mountains and canyons, I realize more and more that this is the playground for the entire republic.

Not only have you serious work to do, but you will have to provide for a little of the rest of us from the East and West who will come here to see your magnificent landscapes, to enjoy holidays that can be fully enjoyed among your mountains.

I have been more and more impressed with that as I have been through your state, and you will see this, the real Switzerland of America, made as much a holiday place as Switzerland is in Europe.

Theodore Roosevelt, Remarks in Canyon City, Colorado Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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