Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Ahead of Secretary Pompeo's Visit, Iowa Farmers Take Trump to Task for Broken Promises, Failed Farm Economy

July 17, 2020

When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo touches down in Iowa today to speak with Iowa's Farm Bureau, he enters a state whose farm economy has been decimated by the Trump Administration's failed trade policies, double-crossing ethanol waivers, and severely mangled pandemic response.

"The minute Donald Trump walked into the White House, he turned his back on Iowa farmers," said Biden for President spokeswoman Julia Krieger. "After inheriting a robust farm economy and strong trade relationships that he's reduced to shambles, Trump cut Iowa's ethanol industry off at the knees — showering Big Oil with sweetheart deals from the EPA. Iowa farmers deserve to hear directly from the man who helped cut them that raw deal — EPA Administrator Wheeler — but instead, Trump sent them Secretary Pompeo. Iowa farmers deserve answers, not further insult to injury."

Iowa farmers, unimpressed and unsatisfied with the Trump Administration's failures and broken promises, are demanding real answers from Trump — and restored leadership from Vice President Joe Biden:

"Whether Secretary Pompeo is in Iowa today to garner support for President Trump's foreign policy or position himself to run for office, he needs to really listen to Iowans for the truth," said Northern Iowa farmer Pam Johnson. "All is not well. The trade war with China that was 'easy to win' drags on with no end in sight. Promises made to support renewable fuels are continually broken. The consequences and economic fall out is seen across Iowa in communities like mine. I'm looking to Vice President Biden to work with our allies to get us back on track and give us a chance to make a decent living from the marketplace."

"Since day one, the Trump Administration has carelessly decimated Iowa's carefully developed trade relationships over the past 30 years. Trump's go-it-alone strategy isn't leadership, and neither are political visits like today's from Secretary Pompeo," said Boone County farmer David Weaver. "Instead of selling out renewables and biofuels, it's time for leadership that understands how to foster and build relationships - and who values Iowa farmers' hard work. That's Joe Biden."

"Everything Trump has done has played right into China's hands while screwing Iowa farmers. He picked a fight at the wrong time," said Indianola farmer Kevin Middleswart. "China is back in the market, but they're buying at prices below the cost of production in Iowa — we may never get those markets back. Adding salt to the wound, Trump sent Secretary Pompeo when he should send Administrator Wheeler to answer directly to the farmers he sold out by siding with Big Oil over our ethanol industry."

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Ahead of Secretary Pompeo's Visit, Iowa Farmers Take Trump to Task for Broken Promises, Failed Farm Economy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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