Trump Campaign Press Release - Biden-Sanders "Unity Platform" Cements Radical Agenda
[APP Note: As with all "Campaign Documents" archived by the APP, the content of this document was prepared by the presidential campaign. This is not the analysis or work product of the American Presidency Project. We do not vouch for the accuracy of ANY campaign document published by any presidential campaign. They are provided as part of the historical record.]
"Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have banded together to propose the most radical leftist platform in the history of American presidential politics. Biden again has proven he is too weak to stand up to the extremists in his party and is now running on their socialist agenda. He is a Trojan Horse candidate – a mere empty vessel carrying the insane wish list of the radical left."
- Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director
Abolish immigration detention
"End the use of for-profit detention facilities and use detention as a last resort." p. 106
"Democrats will prioritize investments in more effective and cost-efficient community-based alternatives to detention." p.40
Stop all deportations
"Enact a 100-day moratorium on deportations of people already in the United States while conducting a full-scale study on current practices to develop recommendations for transforming enforcement policies and practices at ICE and CBP." p. 103
End prosecution of illegal border crossers
"...end indiscriminate prosecutions, including of asylum seekers. End mass prosecutions of individuals who cross the border..." p. 103
Support Sanctuary Cities
"Direct DOJ to drop funding restrictions (and related litigation) relating to state and local decisions regarding their role in enforcement of federal immigration law." p. 106
Incentivize illegal alien child smuggling
"End use of the unaccompanied minors program as an enforcement trap against family sponsors, including where such a trap is facilitated by the use of information sharing between ICE and ORR." p. 106
Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens
"...expand the existing asylum system and other humanitarian protections, including provisions in the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) and the Flores Settlement Agreement for arriving unaccompanied minors." p. 107
"Reverse policies that prevent victims of gang and domestic violence, as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community, from being eligible to apply for asylum." p. 107
Cancel all Asylum Cooperation Agreements in the Western Hemisphere
"End the Asylum Cooperative Agreements the U.S. has signed with Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala." p. 103
"End the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) also known as "Remain in Mexico" and other policies that effectively deny protection and due process to asylum seekers."p. 103
Taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens
"Ensure access to counsel and establish federal funding to provide representation and ensure that individuals in DHS custody have meaningful opportunities to secure counsel." p. 106
Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers
"Enforcement should sanction employers, not workers. End workplace raids and ensure that I-9 audits do not undermine workers' ability to organize and assert their rights." p. 108
Grant work permits to illegal aliens
"Reverse changes made by the Trump Administration to restrict work authorization for asylum seekers and others under ERO supervision." p. 108
Government healthcare for Illegal Aliens
" [T]he Task Force recommends extending Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients, [and] allowing undocumented immigrants to purchase unsubsidized coverage in the ACA marketplaces..." p. 108
Federal student aid and free community college for illegal aliens
"Ensure dreamers are eligible for federal student aid and included in proposals to access community colleges without debt, including those who transfer to a four-year HBCU, TCU, or MSI from a tuition free community college." p. 108
Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately
"...lift the five-year waiting period for low-income lawfully present immigrants for Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program eligibility." p. 91
End requirement for immigrant self-sufficiency and maximize welfare
"Immediately halt enforcement of and rescind the Trump administration's new public charge regulations... [Ensure] that the public charge determination is not used to deter access to essential public benefits, healthcare services and other key resources."p. 103
End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions
"Immediately terminate the Trump Administration's discriminatory travel and immigration bans that have had disproportionate impact on Muslim and African people, and invite visa reapplication for individuals from these countries." p. 38
Grant Mass Amnesty
"Create a roadmap to citizenship for the nearly 11 million people who have been living in and strengthening our country for years. Eliminate unfair barriers to naturalization and reduce the citizenship backlog; reject unreasonable application fees, which make it impossible for families to stay together." p. 104
Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the U.S.
"Support legislation to provide legal status and fast-track access to green cards, with an eventual path to citizenship, to agricultural workers based on prior agricultural work history." p. 104
Increase refugee admissions 700 percent
"Increase the annual global refugee admissions cap to 125,000 in the first year and seek to raise it over time. Support passage of the Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement (GRACE) Act, and commit to complying with statutory requirements to consult with Congress prior to issuing refugee determinations." p. 107
End Cash Bail, releasing dangerous criminals onto the streets
"Democrats support eliminating the use of cash bail..." "End Cash Bail: Withhold funding from states that continue to use cash bail..." p. 9, 59
Abolish death penalty
"Abolish the death penalty at the federal level, and incentivize states to follow the federal government's example." p. 59
Appoint social justice prosecutors to free violent criminals
"Appoint people committed to criminal justice reform to key prosecutorial positions, including AG, DAG, and U.S. Attorneys..." "Support Progressive Prosecutors." p. 58
End mandatory minimums
"Empower judges to determine appropriate sentences, by fighting to repeal mandatory minimums at the federal level and give states incentives to repeal their mandatory minimums." p. 59
Incentivize prison closure
"Incentivize jail and prison closures as populations decline. Ensure the resources saved are invested directly into those communities that have been most impacted by mass incarceration." p. 60
End solitary confinement
"End solitary confinement in all but rare, exceptional cases." p. 60
Free federal housing for former inmates
"[W]e will ensure that 100 percent of returning citizens have access to transitional housing upon reentry from jail or prison." p. 18
Rejoin Paris Climate Accord & seek even higher level of restrictions
"We will rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and, on Day One, seek higher ambition from nations around the world, putting the United States back in the position of global leadership where we belong." p. 1
Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for HOMES, OFFICES, and ALL new buildings by 2030
"Net-zero emissions for all new buildings by 2030, on the pathway to a 100% clean building sector." p. 3
Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035
"Eliminate carbon pollution from power plants by 2035 through technology-neutral standards for clean energy and energy efficiency." p. 47
Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
"We agree with scientists and public health experts that the United States—and the world—must achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, and no later than 2050." p. 2
Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years
"...transitioning the entire fleet of 500,000 school buses to American-made, zero- emission alternatives within five years..transitioning the 3 million vehicles in the federal, state, and local fleets to zero-emission vehicles." p. 3
Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide for electric cars
"Support private adoption of affordable low-pollution and zero-emission vehicles by partnering with state and local governments to install at least 500,000 public charging stations from coast to coast. Make charging infrastructure accessible, with strong labor, training and installation standards, through federal grants to states and localities." p. 3
End School Choice
"Democrats oppose private school vouchers and other policies that divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system." p. 24
End Tax-Credit Scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states; Oppose 14 million Americans with Education Savings Accounts
"Oppose any and all voucher and neo-voucher programs such as Education Savings Accounts and Tax-credit Scholarship programs" p. 83
Eliminate school choice in DC
"Discontinue funding of the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act. This voucher program authorizes the diversion of $20 million annually to private schools in the District of Columbia..." p. 83
Abolish for profit charter schools
"Ban for-profit charter schools." p. 82
Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods
"Require that federal funding for charter schools in any district be conditioned on a district's review of the financial and academic impact of a new charter school or a charter school that wants to expand on that district or neighborhood. The Department of Education would have the ability to deny federal funding for charter(s) if the district's analysis shows that it is (1) financially distressed or (2) the charter would systematically under-serve the neediest students." p. 82-83
End standardized tests
"Eliminate high-stakes standardized tests that unfairly label students." p.83
Enforce Obama-Biden's radical AFFH regulation that threatens to strip localities of federal affordable housing funds unless they change their zoning laws to fit the federal government's demands.
"Implement the Obama-Biden Administration's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule requiring communities receiving certain federal funding to proactively examine housing patterns and identify and address policies that have discriminatory effects." p. 64
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - Biden-Sanders "Unity Platform" Cements Radical Agenda Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/345792