William McKinley photo

Remarks in Alliance, Ohio

November 07, 1900

My fellow-citizens: 1 have not failed to observe the vote of Alliance yesterday, and I cannot refrain from expressing to you in public my very great appreciation of this vote of encouragement and support from my old friends and neighbors of Start County. [Great applause]

I observe that majorities rise with prosperity [great applause] and that the American people never fail to support the flag. [Applause] 1 thank you and bid you good afternoon. [Tremendous applause and cheering]

Source: "Ovation to the President, Large Crowds Greet Him on His Way to Washington, Makes Several Speeches from the Car Platform—Telegrams of Congratulation Received," New York Times, November 8, 1900, p. 1.

William McKinley, Remarks in Alliance, Ohio Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/345949

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