Photo of Donald Trump

Pool Reports of March 28, 2020

March 28, 2020

Pool Reports by Kadia Goba, BuzzFeed News

Sent: Reports:
March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 1

Good morning from the White House on this rainy Saturday morning. I'm your in-town pooler today.

POTUS is scheduled to leave for Norfolk, Virginia at 12:20 pm to see off the USNS Comfort as it leaves New York. There are no further events on the calendar so far.

March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 2

Pool has gathered on the south lawn waiting for POTUS to board Marine 1. I'll do my best to send quotes and record the audio if POTUS stops to gaggle.

March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 3

Marine 1 departed with POTUS at 12:21. Mark Meadows also on board. Will send quotes shortly.

March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 4

“We'd like to see NY quarantined because it's a hotspot — New York, New Jersey, maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined. I'm thinking about that right now. We might not have to do it but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine — short term two weeks for New York, probably New Jersey and parts o Connecticut.” POTUS at the gaggle

March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 5 -- Small correction to quarantine quote

My apologies for the mistake, as always check against the official transcript (first-time pooler)

“Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it's a hotspot — New York, New Jersey maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined. I'm thinking about that right now. We might not have to do it but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine — short term — two weeks for New York, probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut." -- POTUS

Q: Restriction travel from those places?

A: Restrict travel because they're having problems down in Florida. A lot of New Yorkers going down. We don't want that.

March 28, 2020

In-Town Pool Report # 6 — Arrival

Marine 1 landed and POTUS entered the White House at 3:40 pm . He did not respond to shouted questions.

March 28, 2020

In-house Pool Report # 7 — Mark Meadows

New acting chief of staff Mark Meadows, who also deplaned Marine 1, responded to questions about POTUS' authority to quarantine states: We're evaluating those options right now.

March 28, 2020

In-house Pool Reports # 8 - Travel/Photo Lid

White House announced a Travel/Photo Lid at 4:07 p.m. EDT.

Be safe and enjoy your weekend.

March 28, 2020

In-house Pool Report — Direct Meadows Quote

“We're evaluating all the options right now,” the acting chief of staff said in response to a question about President Trump's authority to quarantine certain states.


Pool Reports below by Emily Goodin, DailyMail

Sent: Reports:
March 28, 2020

White House out of town pool #1 - JBA departure and quotes

President Trump touched down at Joint Base Andrews at 12:33 pm.

He answered questions on the possible quarantine.

“We're looking at it,” he said on quarantine of NY, CT, and NJ.

“No we wouldn't do that,” when asked about closing NYC subway.

He said he would talk to governor later today.

With him was Kellyanne Conway, Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino.

Also, pool spotted Defense Secretary Mark Esper on the plane before departure.

We're off to Norfolk where POTUS is scheduled to make remarks and bid bon voyage to the USNS Comfort, which will head to New York to provide relief to hospitals overwhelmed with responding to the coronavirus.

Please note there is a limited pool of seven traveling with POTUS so we can employ safe social distancing practices with an empty seat in between each of us on the plane.

Additionally the pool underwent a temperature check and filled out a travelers form before boarding.

We are flying on the C32 for the approximately 40 minute flight to Norfolk. We are wheels up shortly.

March 28, 2020

White House out of town pool report #2 - fuller quotes and take off

Here are fuller POTUS quotes on possible quarantine.

“We're looking at it and will be making a decision. A lot of the states that are infected - they've asked me if I'd look at it so we're going to look at it. Maybe for a short period of time.”

“It would be for a short time” for parts of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.

“No we wouldn't do that,” he said about closing subway.

“We're not going to need that,” he said when asked about using National Guard.

“I'll speak to the governor later.”

We are taking off at 12:48 pm.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool report #3 - wheels down Norfolk

Air Force One was wheels down at Naval Station Norfolk, Chambers Airfield at 1:14 pm.

Before we departed Joint Base Andrews, POTUS gaggled for just under two minutes under the wing. Pool sent his comments on possible quarantine for parts of NY, NJ and CT in previous report.

Please double check transcript as it was hard to hear over the noise of the engine.

POTUS was also asked about about congressional oversight of the $2 trillion package he signed into law Friday.

“We have great oversight - a lot of oversight. We have a lot of people watching. It's a wonderful thing we‘ve done for the workers and for the citizens.”

More: “A lot of people are going to work. It will bring back the economy I think very fast.”

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool #4 - leaving airfield

POTUS exited the plane at 1:29 pm.

He was met by CAPT Vince BakerCommanding Officer, Naval Station, Norfolk, VA

He got into the Beast and answered no questions.

Additionally National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and acting DNI Richard Grenell traveling with POTUS.

It is 72 degrees and sunny here.

At 1:31 pm we are in route to Pier 8 for ceremony. It is being live streamed so pool will just send relevant color and not quotes:

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool #5 - arrival at Pier 8

Motorcade arrived at Pier 8 at 1:40 pm where POTUS will give remarks at the send off for USNS Comfort.

It was an uneventful but beautiful drive along Willoughby Bay. We passed several carriers and supply ships. Several military officials stood in the bows of their ships and saluted the motorcade as it went by.

POTUS will give remarks with the water and USNS Comfort to his back. There is a giant American flag off to the side and several American flags behind the podium with the presidential seal.

There is no crowd. Just about a dozen military officials and the pool, which was expanded at the airfield for the event.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool 6 - POTUS about to speak

POTUS approached the small stage at 1:48 pm with Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

Hail to the chief played.

POTUS carried a binder. Esper spoke first. They are the only two on stage. A glass of water sits to the side.

A reminder this is being live streamed:

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool #7 - color from POTUS remarks

POTUS spoke for about 15 minutes.

He discussed the possible quarantine for parts of NY, NJ, and CT.

“We will make a decision, very quickly, very shortly” on “hot areas” of those states.

“We'll be announcing that one way or the other, fairly soon. This does not apply to people, such as truckers, from outside the New York area.”

“It won't affect trade in any way.”

As always please check again transcript.

After his remarks POTUS turned to face the Comfort and saluted the ship as it rang its horn.

He and Esper stood and watched as the ship pushed off from the pier. A tug boat pushed it out toward the open sea.

Kellyanne Conway and Mark Meadows stood to one side behind the press risers during POTUS remarks. Robert O'Brien and Richard Grenell stood to the other side behind the risers for POTUS remarks.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool #8 - return to airfield

At 2:19 pm POTUS left the stage.

Military songs played out of the speakers on the small stage as POTUS and Defense Secretary Mark Esper watched the USNS Comfort depart.

The two men could be seen chatting as the ship made its way out of dock. The Comfort will journey down the Elizabeth River, into Willoughby Bay, into the Chesapeake Bay, to the Atlantic for its voyage to New York.

A few procedural notes: there were four pool vans instead of the usual three so pool could spread out. There was plenty of room. A pool of seven is traveling with POTUS - seated on the plane with one seat between them - but the full pool joined at the Norfolk airfield for the short drive to Pier 8 where POTUS spoke. Those extras made their way to Norfolk independently. The extras said they also had their temperature taken.

The only people the pool saw wearing face masks and gloves were the Air Force personal at Andrews that conducted the temperature tests.At 2:23 pm the motorcade is rolling to Chambers airfield.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool report # 9 - Norfolk departure

Motorcade returned to airfield at 2:33 pm after uneventful ride. Some civilians were lined up along route to wave.

POTUS boarded plane as press vans were pulling up.

We are wheels up back to JBA shortly.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool report #10 - wheels down JBA

AF1 was wheels down at JBA at 3:10 pm after a 2:42 pm wheels up from Chamber field.

POTUS came back for a little over six minutes to talk off the record.

March 28, 2020

Out of town pool #11 - Marine One departure from JBA

POTUS exited the plane at 3:20 pm.

He didn't answer any questions.

Marine One was wheels up at 3:25 pm.

Handing off to the in town pool.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Pool Reports of March 28, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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