Pool Reports by Jada Yuan, The Washington Post
Sent: | Reports: |
October 17, 2021 13:07 |
FLOTUS pool #1 - gathering, SC trip Pool has been covid tested and we’re gathering to head off to Columbia, South Carolina where Dr. Jill Biden is speaking at a Baptist church. Event begins at 4pm and speech is at 4:30pm. The rose garden is looking gorgeous. 1pm we’re in the motorcade. |
October 17, 2021 14:19 |
FLOTUS pool #2 - JBA departure 13:42 we’re on an unmarked 737 C-class plane from the DC National Guard. FLOTUS is wearing a caramel colored jacket and that’s all your pooler saw. An aide was carrying a huge bouquet that seemed to be red roses surrounded by a spray of white flowers. She is headed to the Brookland Baptist Church in Columbia, SC, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the pastor’s tenure there. We have a small footprint. 6 cars in motorcade, 3 members of press, small staff. Anthony Bernal is here. |
October 17, 2021 15:32 |
FLOTUS pool #3 - SC arrival Correction to previous report: plane was with DC AIR National Guard. JBA tarmac staff was in head to toe camouflage. We arrived in Columbia, SC, at exactly 3pm. Hurray for efficient DC Air National Guard pilots! Flight was uneventful with a tiny bit of turbulence. FLOTUS changed into a powder blue skirt suit and beige heels. Motorcade pulled out at 3:15for 14 minute trip. Press is in a Jeep. Note: there is no pool photographer. WH has said they’ll quickly get images to us. Columbia is lush and green and a lovely 68 degrees. Your pooler stayed here in Jan 2020 at a fun boutique hotel called the Graduate, if you ever need that travel tip. |
October 17, 2021 15:59 |
FLOTUS pool #4 - background Got to church at 3:34pm for a 4pm event. FLOTUS is doing a photo line with members of the congregation. Pool is inside the church and not watching photo line. FLOTUS was invited to speak at the 50th anniversary celebration for Pastor Charles B. Jackson Sr. of Brookland Baptist Church in Columbia, SC. She has a personal connection to the church that she has spoken about before in public. She's talked about struggling with faith after her son Beau died and then in May 2019 while attending a service here during the campaign, a woman at this church approached Dr. Biden and asked her to become her prayer partner. That woman is Robin Jackson, First Lady of Brookland Baptist Church. FLOTUS keeps in touch with her prayer partner regularly. First Lady Jackson recorded a virtual prayer service for President Biden's inauguration. The church is in a quiet, predominantly Black neighborhood filled with small one story brick houses, and near an apartment complex filled with identical two story units. Six people or so stood outside their homes to watch the motorcade. One woman held a child in her arms and smiled and waved. The church has mauve carpeting and mauve-cushioned pews. A band is warming up on electric instruments. 3:51pm service begins with a standing ovation and Hallelujah for "this incredible man of God." FROM THE OFFICE OF THE FIRST LADY The 50th Anniversary Celebration for Pastor Charles Jackson at Brookland Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina Location: Brookland Baptist Church (original campus), 1066 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169 Today, the Brookland Baptist Church is holding a dedicated service in celebration of Pastor Charles Jackson's 50 years of pastoral service. Dr. Biden will participate in a photo line before delivering remarks. Four hundred people are expected to attend this celebration. Brookland Baptist Church first hosted then-Vice President Biden, and Dr. Biden in May 2019. At that service Dr. Biden first met and established a special relationship with First Lady Robin Jackson. More recently, First Lady Jackson provided a recorded prayer for the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Service, which was held virtually on January 21, 2021. FLOTUS and President Biden watched from the White House. Pastor Charles B. Jackson, Sr., Brookland Baptist Church (Bio) Dr. Charles B. Jackson, Sr., a native of West Columbia, South Carolina, attended the public schools of Lexington County School. He continued his academic career at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics. While at Benedict, he received the Distinguished Mathematics and Physics Award for the highest academic average in those respective areas. After graduating from Benedict, he pursued seminary studies at the Morehouse School of Religion of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and in 1977 he graduated with honors receiving his Master of Divinity Degree. He was presented the Distinguished Board of Directors Award from the Morehouse School of Religion for High Academic Achievement. In August 1978, he completed one year of certification of residency in Clinical Pastoral Education at the South Carolina Academy for Pastoral Education. Dr. Jackson acknowledged the call and began preaching at the age of nine; was licensed at age ten; ordained at twelve; and at eighteen was installed as Pastor of his home church, Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia, South Carolina, where he has humbly served for fifty years. The church has over sixty ministries, a full-service Federal Credit Union, the Brookland Foundation, the Brookland Center for Community Economic Change, the Brookland-West Columbia Community Housing Development Corporation, and the Brookland Community Pediatric Center, which is a collaborative effort with the Eau Claire Cooperative. In May 1999, Dr. Jackson led Brookland into a new sanctuary that seats 2,300 and in September 2005, led the completion of a 68,000 square foot Community Resource Center consisting of an Academy Child Development Center, a Health and Wellness Center and a Banquet and Conference Center. On October 5, 2008, Brookland became one church in two locations, adding a Brookland Baptist Church northeast location. Reverend Dr. Christopher Leevy Johnson is the Northeast Campus Pastor. As a result of the Church's Economic Empowerment Initiative, over 190 persons are employed in Brookland's ministry. Dr. Jackson has trained and mentored 18 sons and 1 daughter who currently pastor in the Midlands of South Carolina. A total of 77 ministers have sat under his leadership during the 50 years of his pastorate. Dr. Jackson has held and still holds membership in a number of denominational, civic and community organizations. He is the immediate past Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Morris College in Sumter, SC. In 2011, he was inducted into the National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame. He holds numerous local and national awards, has preached throughout the United States and has delivered lectures at more than twenty colleges and universities. On March 31, 2011 he gave the opening prayer as guest chaplain for the U. S. House of Representatives. In 2001, Governor Jim Hodges awarded him the Order of the Palmetto, the highest honor that the state of South Carolina confers upon its citizens. Dr. Jackson is married to the former Robin Hoefer, and the father of two children, Rev. Charles B. Jackson Jr., Pastor of the New Laurel Street Baptist Church, Columbia, SC and Attorney Candace Shiver (Rodrick), Managing Partner of The Shiver Group, LLC and six grandchildren Kayla, Charles III, Caleb, Carter, Rodrick II, and Carrigan Faith. FLOTUS Traveling Staff |
October 17, 2021 17:16 |
FLOTUS pool #5 - service pt. 1 The first lady's presence is a surprise for Brooklyn's Baptist Church's First Lady Robin Jackson. FLOTUS is in the first row of the third set of pews from the left with the pastor and his wife. FLOTUS is wearing a black face mask and stood for the hymns. Service began with a selection of hymns. Your pooler only knew the name of one of three songs, but they are rousing and amazing. Choruses were "Every prayer is to my god" and "you are the thrill of my life." Please look at church's website and Facebook for live stream. **If you would like a copy of the program, please let me know. Chorus is seven singers with microphones. There are two female singers with on the stage, three female and two male singers on the floor. The band seems to be electric guitar, electric bass, electric organ, electric keys, and a drummer with a full kit in a plexiglass booth. The singers moved to a set of pews to the left of the stage for the third hymn, "How Great Thou Art." Deacon Jamie Stuber gave an invocation. The pastor's daughter Attorney Candace Shiver was the first speaker. FLOTUS stood for the congregational hymn, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." Pastor Jackson and First Lady Jackson (in a pink suit) sang along. There are several great hats including a glittery gold top hat with a wide floppy brim. Speakers: Ms. Christina Myers - thanked the pastor for being there during these tough two years and said he's often showing off basketball skills as "Action Jackson." Rev. Carroll McGee (fellow rotary sponsor) - talked about how 10 years ago Reverend Jackson said he was getting 600 people showing up for Sunday service and often had to do multiple services or show them on TVs. He needed more land. So they went to scout out a place for this church in an old shopping center. They stood in the produce section and thought it would be a good place for a choir. Now it's a mega church with thousands of congregants. McGee said he threatened to resign from the Rotary Club if they didn't accept Pastor Jackson. Pastor Jackson started preaching at 12 years old, said McGee. Attorney I.S. Levy Johnson - says ministry of the church is now serving congregants 24/7. Dr. Wendell Estep - pastor emeritus first Baptist church - "I'm honored to participate in the 50th anniversary of Pastor Jackson. He's lasted for 50 years! I've never been involved with anything like this. In a White church we last for about two or three years and then we run out of sermons and have to move on to another." (Lots of laughs.) Mentioned that as a little boy, the Pastor lived on Little Branch Road. And he made this church out of a former Piggly Wiggly. They called it the Piggly Wiggly church. Dr. Thurmond Bowens, Jr. - Pastor Trinity Baptist Church FLOTUS stood and clapped when Bowens said Jackson set a standard for leaders. "Thank you for being that kind of leader, you are a gift from god." |
October 17, 2021 18:37 |
FLOTUS pool #6 - Dr. Biden speech Please check against the livestream! Pool left the church at 5:42pm will send more complete transcript but there is no wifi on plane. Greetings Jesus Christ our Lord and savior It is an incredible milestone in a career I'd like to tell you a story, a testament of sorts about a different leader in this church, First Lady Robin Jackson. (Standing ovation) Ir shaped my life and it's why the community has meant so much to me. I'm not very public about my faith. [talked about The joy of the choir like this magnificent choir here] In 2015 my faith was shaken. For over a year I watched my brave, strong, budding young son fight brain cancer. [Choked up] Chemotherapy, weight loss. But still I never gave up hope. After Beau died, I felt betrayed, broken. My pastor sent me emails [note: her pastor back home] I wondered if I woudl ever feel joy again. But in the summer of 2019, Joe and I came to worship here at Brookland Baptist Church. But something felt different in that moement. Robin came up to me and she sat beside me and said, "Dr. Biden, I would like to be your prayer partner." I don't know if she sensed how moved I had been by the prayer service. I don't know if she sensed the grief that I feel still is behind my smile. But I do know that when she spoke it was if God was saying to me, "Okay Jill, you've had enough time. It's time to come home." (Applause) In the depths of our brokeenness we can start to believe that healing ourselves will never be possible. And the truth is, we're right. We can't heal ourselves alone. But with God all things are possible (applause) Robin's kindness, her mercy and grace pushed past the calluses on my heart (murmurs) and like the mustard seed, my faith was able to grow once again. It reminded me of what was at stake, not an election, not a partisan battle, but a country in need of healing (chourus of yeahs!) Families that were torn apart by the pandemic, communities wrestling with the evils of Racism and discrimination, a nation in search of hope. If one Sunday could mean so much to Joe and me, imagine the ripple that has created in our world. Pastor Jackson, for 50 years you have led this community with vision. A legacy of love that goes on and on and on. [quotes from Joy divine] Pastor Jackson and Robin thank you for leading so many of us to grace. Thank you for helping us learn to love each other. Thank you for helping us find joy divine. Standing ovation, hugged the pastor and Robin. Closed out by choir singing "God Is" |
October 17, 2021 18:57 |
FLOTUS pool #6 - service pt. 2 NOTE: the Pastor being honored is Charles B. Jackson, Sr. His son, Charles B. Jackson, Jr. spoke and is also a Pastor. FLOTUS hugged Jr, Sr, and Robin after her speech. The son said every Wednesday after his mother met FLOTUS in 2019, she'd send a prayerful text and the First Lady would text back all the way till today. (More complete below) Going backward in time a bit… At 5:11pm in Columbia, SC. Dr. Ricky Ezell Sr. gave the offertory appeal. Musical selection "Oh How Precious" (chorus "How Precious Is the Name of Jesus") with soloist Ms. Cynthia Jones. Got Anthony Bernal (in balcony) out of seat and clapping along. FLOTUS in front row stayed and seated but swayed and gave standing ovation. FLOTUS introed by the Pastor's son, Pastor Charles B. Jackson, Jr. "Those of us who have to work on certain committees here, we know we've had some challenges before when we are trying to surprise him with something." "This next individual … is one who is perhaps the most important people in this country. On the first Sunday in May, May 5 2019, when our current commander in chief worshiped with us here at Brookland, my mother and this next elegant and esteemed woman of virtue who is going to come before us became prayer partners. Every Wednesday, now some people may already be privy to this, but every Wednesday following that Sunday, my mother would text a prayful reminder of God's favor upon. And this lady have such high and great status and stature would return a text. My mother would text she would get a return, she would text my mother a return and get a return and this would continue on all the way till today. Let ua all stand and receive the FLOTUS.[laughter] the elegant and esteemed and beautiful First Lady of the United States." |
October 17, 2021 19:02 |
FLOTUS pool #7 - departure Dr. Biden hugged the Columbia organizers, took photos with state troopers. Then she stood to the side and took a phone call for a minute. Boarded 6:27pm. Bernal told us that upon arrival at the church FLOTUS walked into the Pastor’s office — he knew she was coming. He doesn’t like surprises. But Robin didn’t know. She’d asked why there was so much security and they told her it was because Rep. Clyburn was coming. This is the most extensive speech FLOTUS has given about her loss of faith. You can read parts in her book and she’s given versions of this speech but not since the campaign trail in Little Rock and SC. Also told a version of it to Savannah Guthrie. Full transcript to come |
October 17, 2021 20:08 |
FLOTUS pool #8 - Dr. Biden speech (full transcript) Your pooler cannot count has been misnumbering the reports, only to be saved by the keen eye of Asjia Garner in the FLOTUS office. ** this is #8 but you should have 9 total. There is #6 pt. 1 and #6 pt. 2 both about the service before Dr. Biden's speech. Below is transcribed FLOTUS transcript... if you need Otter recording let me know, but livestream might be clearer. There's a little more in here about how her minister contacted her after Beau's death and how she couldn't go to church or even pray. Thanks to Darlene Superville of the AP and Kate Bennett of CNN for their help. FULL SPEECH BY DR. BIDEN (double check if using quotes from previous report) Greetings in the name of God Our Father, Jesus Christ Our Lord, and in the presence of the Holy Spirit. [whoops and applause] I am honored to be here today to celebrate 50 years of Pastor Jackson's leadership here at Brookland. [applause] But to begin with, I would like to tell you a story, a testament, testimony of sorts about a different leader in this church: First Lady Jackson. [standing ovation] Many of you have heard just part of this. But you know, it shaped my life and it's why the community has meant so much to me. So, I'm sorry if you've heard this before, but I'd like to share it again. You know, I'm not very public about my faith. But it's always been an important part of who I am. I chose it as a teenager when I fell in love with the peace of the quiet wooden pew, the joy of the choir like this magnificent choir here, and the deep wisdom of the Gospels. Prayers especially are a way that I connect to people that I love and to the world around me. But in 2015 my faith was shaken. For over a year I watched my brave, strong, funny, bright young son fight brain cancer. [Choked up] Chemotherapy, operation after operation, weight loss. But still I never gave up hope. As a mother, you can't. You know, I had to be strong for my children and for my husband. But most of all for my son, Beau. I had to be strong for him. Because in the middle of it all, he was being strong for us. So I kept going. Every day, I put one foot in front of the other, and despite what the doctors said, I believed my son would make it. In the final days I made one last desperate prayer and it went unanswered. After Beau died, I felt betrayed, broken. You know, my own minister wrote emails occasionally. You know, he was checking in with me, inviting me back to the service. But I just couldn't go. I couldn't even pray. I wondered if I would ever feel joy again. But in the summer of 2019, many of of you may remember this, Joe and I came to worship here at Brookland Baptist Church. But something felt different that morning. And while we were worshiping, and I remember this so clearly, because we were sitting right there. Robin came up to me and she sat beside me and she said, "Dr. Biden, I would like to be your prayer partner." I don't know if she sensed how moved I had been by the service. I don't know if she could still see the grief that I feel still hides behind my smile. But I do know that when she spoke, it was if God was saying to me, "Okay Jill, you've had enough time. It's time to come home." [applause] And in that moment, I felt for the first time that there was a path for my recovering my faith. The Book of Hebrew says, Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. In the depts of our brokeenness we can start to believe that healing ourselves will never be possible. And the truth is, we're right. We can't heal ourselves alone. But with God all things are possible. [applause] Robin's kindness, her mercy and grace pushed past the calluses on my heart [murmurs] and like the mustard seed, my faith was able to grow once again. It brought me comfort in the long days of the campaign trail. And you all know how hard they were. It brought me joy when I saw how strangers could sacrifice for each other. It reminded me of what was at stake, not an election, not a partisan battle, but a country in need of healing. [chourus of yeahs!] Families that were torn apart by the pandemic, communities that were wrestling with the evils of racism and discrimination, a nation in search of hope. This church changed my life. [standing ovation] And it helped shape the course of our journey to the White House. Robin's kindness, Pastor Jackson's leadership, and the work of each member of this congregation speaking out for justice and compassion and unity, it has grown into something bigger than any one of us. And as we work to vaccinate more poeple and support working families and create opportunites for all Amerians, all of you are with us. If one Sunday could mean so much to Joe and me, imagine the ripples that your career has created in our world, Pastor Jackson. [Someone shouts, "Wow!"] For 50 years, you have led this community with vision. Under your leadership, Brookland has become a hub of caring for God's children with a food bank that has kept families from going hungry, an academy that invests in children, scholarships that have made college possile. [Yeahs!] A health and wellness program that has enriched lives. You've mentored the next generation of pastors and lay leaders, as we heard here this afternoon and you've brought countless people to God's grace. You remind us that we are the body of Christ. [applause] ... seek out justice, his voice to comfort the broken. When we come boldly to the throne of grace, we are not only one person. We find each other. We find the love of a community that will carry us through the darkest of times. And we find joy. That's what I see here today, a legacy of love that goes on and on and on. I'm reminded of the lyrics to the Hymn of Joy. "Loving Father, Christ our brother, let your light upon us shine. Teach us how to love each other. Lift us to the joy divine." Pastor Jackson and Robin, thank you for leading so many to grace. Thank you for helpings learn to love each other. Thank you for helping us find the joy divine. |
October 17, 2021 20:42 |
FLOTUS pool #9 - JBA and WH arrival Touched down at JBA at 7:47pm after an uneventful flight. FLOTUS went up to the cockpit to thank the pilots We arrived at the White House at 8:17pm. There was an exciting moment on the highway when a car didn't move out of the way for the motorcade (only press van was affected). WH will be providing photos. Contact Michael LaRosa if you need them. Again, there are no wire photos or TV feeds. We hear local press The State and WIS (TV) were there. P.S. The lovely DC Air National Guard served Wegman's Frizzante Cranberry Lime European Soda on the plane and it was revelatory. Encourage everyone to go out and get some posthaste. |
Jill Biden, First Lady Pool Reports of October 17, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/352986