WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Business Leaders Applaud Passage of President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal – a once-in-a-generation investment that will create millions of jobs, modernize our infrastructure, and tackle the climate crisis – passed the House and now heads to President Biden's desk for his signature.
For far too long, Washington policymakers have celebrated "infrastructure week" without ever following through. The American people made it clear: we need to deliver. The President and Congressional Democrats proved we can.
Business leaders praised the President and the lawmakers who worked across the aisle to pass the historic legislation, which will make a real impact in communities across the country, and put us on a path to win the economic competition for the 21st century.
See below for what they are saying:
Joshua Bolten, President and CEO, Business Roundtable: "Today's passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a victory for the American people. This legislation will generate historic investments in America's transportation, water, energy and communications systems and will drive long-term U.S. prosperity and competitiveness. We urge President Biden to swiftly sign this legislation into law." [Statement, 11/5/21]
Jay Timmons, President and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers: "This moment and the transformational change it will bring about has been decades in the making. Manufacturers commend Congress for coming together to pass this historic, bipartisan legislation. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act makes America stronger, with a promise to renew and revitalize our nation's physical infrastructure, improving productivity and quality of life for everybody—and without raising taxes or jeopardizing economic growth and manufacturing jobs. Failure to invest has been a drain on America's economy, costing families and businesses significant time and money. This type of investment will enable us to continue to grow our economy and get started on building the world-class infrastructure that will enable us to lead through this century and into the next." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Ford Motor Company: "Last night's vote is great news for the United States' infrastructure and transition to a zero emissions transportation future. Ford is committed to leading the electric vehicle revolution and doing our part by investing tens of billions of dollars in EVs and making fully electric versions of our most iconic and popular vehicles. We look forward to seeing this bipartisan investment signed into law by President Biden and continuing to work with our government partners to combat climate change, make it easier for people to move, and support American workers and manufacturing." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Barbara Humpton, President and CEO, Siemens USA: "We applaud the passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and its broad vision for infrastructure. This bill goes well beyond roads and bridges to provide essential investment in rail, electric vehicle infrastructure, the grid, and America's workforce. This is a historic moment in America – one sets the stage for decarbonizing the economy, boosting U.S. manufacturing, creating jobs, and increasing equity. As we look to the work ahead, let's continue accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies to further U.S. innovation. Let's inspire a new generation of workers in industry and infrastructure. And let's reinvent our supply chain to support our economy and national preparedness. This bill provides us with a strong foundation to shape the future we want." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Chuck Robbins, Chair and CEO, Cisco Corporation: "The bipartisan #infrastructure legislation will help deliver high-quality, affordable broadband to Americans—no matter who they are or where they live—and make much needed improvements to our ailing infrastructure. Pleased to see Congress pass this important legislation." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Brendan Bechtel, Business Roundtable Infrastructure Committee Chairman and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bechtel Group, Inc.: "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help to unleash private investment and streamline permitting to lower costs and accelerate project delivery. It will also promote resilience and sustainability in the face of a changing climate, natural disasters and cyberattacks. Finally, this legislation will better connect rural and underserved communities, including the communications technology needed to succeed in the 21st century." [Statement, 11/5/21]
Roger Dow, President and CEO, U.S. Travel Association: "The passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is both significant and long overdue. The bill will have a profound impact on how people travel for decades to come. By making historic investments in our transportation infrastructure now, we can emerge from the pandemic with stronger, more modern and efficient systems that can facilitate a resurgence in travel demand. U.S. Travel has strongly advocated for this important piece of legislation and championed these important policies for years. The historic levels of travel infrastructure investment provided by this act—including for airports, railways, highways, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and more—will accelerate the future of travel mobility. The bill also establishes a Chief Travel and Tourism Officer at the Department of Transportation to help coordinate travel and tourism policy across all modes of transportation. This role will be vital for rebuilding our industry and preparing to welcome back visitors from around the world. The U.S. Travel Association thanks President Biden and the many bipartisan congressional leaders for their persistent efforts to pass a bill that will deliver significant value to communities across the United States." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Anthony Foxx, Chief Product Officer, Lyft: "Congrats @POTUS and all members of Congress responsible for the passage of this historic infrastructure bill. We now have a chance to reverse decades of neglect, tackle climate change and bring Americans together with a strong focus on equity. #BuildBackBetter #InfrastructureBill" [Tweet, 11/6/21]
Rhett Buttle, Senior Advisor, Small Business for America's Future: "The passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill out of the House of Representatives delivers a generational investment in our nation's physical infrastructure and is a welcome piece of legislation that will invest resources into small businesses, local communities, and the systems that support a thriving Main Street amid the lingering economic effects of the COVD-19 pandemic. As this bill heads to President Biden's desk for signature, we urge both the House and Senate to finish the job by quickly passing the Build Back Better Act to deliver on the social infrastructure Main Street needs. Infrastructure investment at this scope and scale is not only necessary for a thriving Main Street, but is also what small business owners want. Whether helping family farms maintain the water needs for their crops, helping a local store deliver their products on time with better roads, or helping an online business thrive with reliable internet access, this bill will touch virtually every part of the Main Street economy. Small Business for America's Future's most recent national survey of over 1,000 small business owners showed overwhelming support of the legislation, with 81% voicing support for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and 66% saying the legislation will help small business. Small businesses welcome investment in our roads, bridges, broadband, and other community resources. This key investment will provide support to millions of small business owners who rely on physical and technological infrastructure every day, and could not come at a more pressing time. Our survey found that 74% of small business owners believe economic investments like the infrastructure bill are important amid the lingering COVID-19 pandemic and expiration of previous relief programs like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Small business owners are the backbone of the nation's economy--driving economic growth and job creation. Through bold investments in infrastructure, our leaders can ensure a strong and equitable road to recovery." [Statement, 11/6/21]
National Stone, Sand, & Gravel Association: "This is a monumental moment for our industry, and it has been greatly needed for quite some time. NSSGA appreciates the House of Representatives for passing this bill ahead of the next short-term extension deadline. NSSGA has tirelessly worked with all stakeholders this year to achieve this historic moment. Today's passage represents the plethora of emails, calls, and meetings from the aggregates industry with Members of Congress and their staffs. The passage of this landmark legislation is something our nation has needed to move our infrastructure network into the 21st century, and the aggregates industry is ready to meet the demands. We look forward to working with Congress and the Administration on implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Our members are prepared to advance the countless number of projects in local communities around the U.S." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Business Forward: "This week, President Biden brought Americans together to pass historic infrastructure investments that will create millions of jobs and make us more economically competitive. By closing the digital divide and expanding our electric vehicle infrastructure, America is truly "building back better." To appreciate the President's achievement in political terms, consider that President Trump promised investments like these for four years, but never delivered. President Biden got it done his first year." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Jeffrey Hollender, CEO, American Sustainable Business Council: "While ASBC and SVC and our members are disappointed that some of the President's priorities were not included at all or as fully as proposed, these milestone bills advance important priorities that will help us to move closer to an economy that works for all and the largest investment in history to deal with the climate crisis." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Kevin M. Burke, President and CEO, Airports Council International – North America: "We applaud lawmakers on both sides of the aisle for coming together to pass this important legislation to make an historic investment in our nation's airports. With air travel on the rise, America's airports look forward to getting to work on hundreds of essential improvement projects that will expand the capacity of our terminals and runways, increase the resiliency of our infrastructure, and improve the overall passenger experience. ACI-NA has long supported and pushed for this bipartisan infrastructure legislation because it provides a much-needed down payment to upgrade aging airport facilities across the country. These new investments will help address critical infrastructure needs at our airports, which have become even more pronounced during the COVID-19 pandemic." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Sena Fitzmaurice, Senior Vice President, Government Communications, Comcast Corporation: "Congress and the Biden Administration should be applauded for passage of the momentous infrastructure bill. This legislation will bring meaningful investments and jobs across the country and marks a major bipartisan effort to tackle digital equity and access in America, recognizing that broadband is a critical part of 21st century infrastructure. The provisions in the final act appropriately focus on getting broadband infrastructure first to areas where it does not currently exist, while at the same time continuing to promote faster speeds and disincentivizing duplicative projects. The bill also provides important resources to spur broadband adoption. Allowing local communities flexibility and valuing both private and publicly funded projects will be key to closing the digital divide." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Heather Zichal, CEO, American Clean Power Association: "Today, after action by the U.S. House of Representatives, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will be signed into law by President Biden. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will invest $65 billion to modernize and enhance the nation's transmission system. Strengthening the grid is a critical issue to address the climate crisis and enable the deployment of clean energy sources across the country. Now the House and Senate must continue their work on the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) to enact key climate provisions and the largest federal investment in clean energy in American history. Clean energy infrastructure means jobs. With over 415,000 Americans already working in wind, solar and energy storage across America, the Build Back Better Act investment in infrastructure will continue the rapid growth of job creating clean energy projects and help meet our emissions reduction targets. Ensuring our industry will have stable and predictable policies will help drive new investment and accelerate the development of projects that could deliver over 1 million clean energy jobs by 2030. A majority of Americans support action on infrastructure to accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies. As the COP26 UN Climate Summit continues, we commend the Administration and members of Congress for accelerating efforts to create a clean energy future which will not only create American jobs but help to combat the climate crisis and protect future generations from the impacts of climate change. The American Clean Power Association is committed to working with Congress and the Administration to pass the Build Back Better Act." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Frank Hugelmeyer, President, National Marine Manufacturer's Association: "The passage of this historic infrastructure bill shows there is strong, bipartisan support for building America back better in Washington and will go a long way in funding sustainable, climate resilient solutions to better protect and prepare the great outdoors." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Dave Bauer, President & CEO, American Road & Transportation Builders Association: "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is the most significant measure in more than 50 years to meaningfully address the condition and performance of the U.S. transportation network. Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have demonstrated not only the importance of federal transportation infrastructure leadership, but that policymakers can find common ground and govern on matters of national concern. We salute President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) for their leadership in getting the job done, along with other members of Congress who voted for final passage. In today's political environment where distortions and broadsides masquerade as solutions, members of Congress have taken tangible action that will benefit every state and community across the nation. The transportation construction community now welcomes the opportunity to use these historic investments to deliver infrastructure outcomes that will improve the quality of life for all Americans." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Joe Britton, Executive Director, Zero Emission Transportation Association: "EVs are among our most powerful tools for reducing emissions while creating new, good-paying American jobs as we rebuild our country's infrastructure. EV manufacturing is injecting billions of new dollars into local economies across the country. The passage of the IIJA presents an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the deployment of EVs, which will ensure that these benefits are delivered to all Americans—even those who never end up sitting behind the wheel of an EV. Though the IIJA is a much-needed down payment on the United States' long-term success in the ascendant EV sector, we must also invest in robust consumer incentives through the BBBA if we are to ensure widespread EV adoption in the United States." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Jessica Wahl Turner, President, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable: "We appreciate the hard work by President Biden, members of his administration, the House and Senate to come to an agreement on a broad and impactful bipartisan infrastructure package that invests in our local communities, our public lands and waters, and our people. This infrastructure package provides an opportunity to not only rebuild our crumbling roads, bridges and airports, but also to improve the infrastructure behind our beloved public lands and waters. Meaningful investments in transportation, public lands, rural development, and natural infrastructure connect more people to the outdoors and strengthen the outdoor recreation economy. This creates new jobs, helps the U.S. remain globally competitive, and ensures we recover from the impacts the pandemic had on businesses, local communities, our health, and our quality of life. We encourage Congress to advance this historic package to the President's desk as quickly as possible." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Dennis D. Truax, P.E., President, American Society of Civil Engineers: "It is a great day for the nation as the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), fulfilling President Biden's vision with a historic piece of legislation that will have monumental impacts on the economy, public safety, global competitiveness, and each American's well-being. Passage of this five-year, $1.2 trillion bill proves once again that the country can lead with infrastructure. With this legislation, the federal government will restore their critical partnership with cities and states to modernize our nation's roads, bridges, transit systems, drinking water pipes, school facilities, broadband, ports, airports and more. Without a strong federal partner, local projects that are community lifelines have hung in the balance, oftentimes being paused or outright cancelled due to funding uncertainties. When this happens, American households and businesses are the ones who pay the price. The IIJA is the culmination of decades of advocacy by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) members who worked tirelessly to educate Congress about the role infrastructure plays in supporting the economy and our quality of life. ASCE's Infrastructure Report Cards have sounded the alarm on our nation's infrastructure conditions since 1998, with new reports being released every four years. While all categories of infrastructure have been the cause of some concerns, the common denominator behind each category's struggles has been a backlog of projects, overdue maintenance, and a need for resilience. This bill includes investments to repair and modernize these critical assets for almost all of the 17 categories in the 2021 Report Card for America's Infrastructure, which assigned our nation's infrastructure a cumulative grade of 'C-'. We commend the House for joining the Senate in prioritizing American communities by passing this bipartisan infrastructure legislation and we are encouraged that President Biden has indicated he will sign the bill quickly to ensure our communities receive these long-awaited resources soon, allowing critical projects to move forward." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Business Council for International Understanding: "Thanks to @POTUS President Biden's Leadership, This historic legislative action on America's #Infrastructure will help attract more global #investment and boost job creation in the U.S." [Tweet, 11/6/21]
Jason Oxman, President and CEO, Information Technology Industry Council: "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a sweeping commitment to upgrade the physical and digital infrastructure that reinforces the United States' economic competitiveness. These investments are critical in closing the digital divide and ensuring every American has access to broadband service, internet-connected devices, and digital literacy skills, which provide a foundation for participation in the 21st-century global economy and ensure U.S. companies continue to be global leaders in innovation. We look forward to partnering with government to implement this all-important legislation." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Ian Jeffries, President and CEO, Association of American Railroads: "Railroads appreciate the work of the Biden administration and members of the House and Senate who made the passage of this truly comprehensive infrastructure package possible. As we continue to navigate supply chain challenges, the need for the thoughtful funding and policy solutions over the long term that this bipartisan package delivers are even more clear. Thanks to the hard work of many, our nation will make the significant, long-overdue investments we need to modernize our public infrastructure, enhance safety and support future economic growth." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Paul P. Skoutelas, President and CEO, American Public Transportation Association: "The American Public Transportation Association (APTA), on behalf of the public transportation industry, commends the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 3684, the 'Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act', clearing the bill for the President's signature. This legislation is vital to building the American infrastructure of the future and is a necessary step in providing the transformational investment in public transportation infrastructure that our country so desperately needs. The $107 billion for public transit and $102 billion for commuter rail, Amtrak, and other high-performance rail in this bill will build infrastructure that will make public transportation faster, more modern, and more reliable, while tackling climate change, advancing equity issues, and providing growing communities sustainable mobility options. These are issues we can no longer ignore, and with enactment of this legislation, the public transit industry will be uniquely positioned to address these issues head on. Even with this critical legislative victory, there is still work to be done. APTA will continue working with Congress and the Administration to advance the Build Back Better Act and ensure that we make the necessary investments to ensure public transit access to affordable housing and build high-speed passenger rail. These investments are critical to meet the growing and evolving mobility demands of our cities and communities." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Anne Kelly, Vice President of Government Relations, Ceres: "The infrastructure package headed for President Biden's desk includes significant funding for clean energy, clean transportation, and environmental justice measures that will help our nation begin to tackle the climate crisis, while spurring long-overdue investments that will create jobs and move people and goods more efficiently around our country. We are grateful that lawmakers were able to work together across party lines on this significant achievement, and thank them for their leadership in crafting this bill. The business community knows that improving our crumbling infrastructure will reap economic benefits in communities across the U.S. However, businesses also know that we cannot meet our national climate and economic goals with the infrastructure package alone. Congress must act soon to pass the Build Back Better budget package with the level of investment in a clean energy future that we need to dramatically slash climate pollution this decade. We urge lawmakers to seize this opportunity for our nation to grow a clean, just, and competitive economy, and confront the climate crisis head-on — before it's too late." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Kip Eideberg, Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Relations, Association of Equipment Manufacturers: "Tonight's vote represents a win for bipartisanship and a once-in-a-generation investment in the future of our country. We salute this rare and historic bipartisan victory for the 2.8 million men and women of the equipment manufacturing industry. It will make us more competitive, more prosperous, and more equitable as a nation. Equipment manufacturers have long criticized the partisan rancor and division that has undermined much-needed investments in our future. The lawmakers who put country first and voted in favor of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act have demonstrated real leadership and a commitment to our nation's renewal." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Audrey Copeland, President and CEO, National Asphalt Pavement Association: "This bill represents a once-in-a-generation investment in the country's transportation networks, demonstrating America's long-standing commitment to provide safe roads, airports, and transit for the traveling public." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Jay Hansen, Executive Vice President for Advocacy, National Asphalt Pavement Association: "We urge President Biden to quickly sign this bipartisan package into law, so we can build back better with increased jobs, enhanced safety, and improved roads. The hard-working women and men of the asphalt pavement industry applaud the inclusion of many elements NAPA advocated and supported." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Kevin Dempsey, President and CEO, American Iron and Steel Institute: "American steel built this country, and the industry is now ready to get to work on rebuilding this country. Repairing and modernizing our national transportation system is essential and we are glad Congress agrees. This bill would ensure that our infrastructure system meets the need of the 21st century. Funding roads and bridges, ports and waterways, water infrastructure, the electric grid and investing in electric vehicle systems, all will require a lot of steel —and our industry is ready to provide that steel. Passing this bill today provides a tremendous boost to our industry, as demand for American steel could increase by as much as five million tons for every $100 billion of new investment. This bill will also make sure that taxpayer funds are used to procure cleaner steel produced in the United States, where it is made with a lower carbon and energy intensity than steel made in the other leading steel-producing countries. We are thrilled that, in the end, Congress was able to take this important step toward funding our nation's infrastructure needs. We look forward to President Biden signing the bill into law very soon." [Statement, 11/6/21]
Todd Washam, Director of Government Relations and Wireless Industry Network, Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association (NATE): "NATE is very pleased that this legislation is now headed to President Biden for his signature. For nearly 25 years, NATE has advocated that communications infrastructure projects that allow for the rapid flow of information and data are just as important as infrastructure projects providing for the flow of travel and goods. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act provides historic levels of funding for several of NATE's top legislative priorities and it will have a significant impact on efforts to close the digital divide in rural, unserved, and underserved communities. NATE is also pleased that several of NATE's legislative priorities were included as amendments in this legislation. These initiatives will help provide for a skilled communications workforce and ensure transparency and accountability of federally funded broadband projects. Senator Thune's Telecommunications Skilled Workforce provision will help our industry meet the enormous demands for broadband and closing the digital divide resulting from this important legislation. And Senator Fischer's amendment, which would require the Federal Communications Commission to provide maps of federally funded broadband projects, would ensure there is transparency and accountability as Congress appropriates billions in funding for broadband infrastructure. NATE members are eager to work with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and state broadband agencies to leverage this historic funding for broadband deployment. NATE also encourages state agencies to invest in critical workforce development programs to ensure we can meet our national broadband goals." [Statement, 11/5/21]
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Business Leaders Applaud Passage of President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/353295